chapter thirty four

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Luciano and I haven't spoken since that day I took the twins to his office,I guess he is still upset about me and Nick I mean I would too. I sigh I as get all the necessary documents I need for the meeting we will be launching a new wine,an alcoholic and non alcoholic wine of the same kind so Luciano and I have to work together for this.

"Are you ready,and I'm sick of that long face you're carrying around these days", Giovanna says as she bagges into my office.

"You know ,one of these days I'm going to fire you",I joke and she just rolls her eyes and helps me carry my documents the meeting is going to be held in the conference room.

I find everyone seated and I sit next to Nick who passes me some water. Luciano arrives 15 minutes later and no one cares to complain,he takes his seat and the meeting begins.

During the meeting I take a sip of my water and a little runs down the side of my mouth and Nick is quick to act ,he takes a napkin and cleans the side of my mouth. I smile at him awkwardly and thank him. I feel a cold stare on me and I turn to lock eyes with Luciano,I look back at Nick and he just smiles at me.

I look at him while his attention is back at the meeting,where did it all go wrong,after we found out that the twins weren't his I've been having mixed feelings about him. I've known him since our days back in college,I fail to believe he is capable of trying to deceive me much less having something to do with the disappearance of my gynocologist and the death of Mari's doctor,even if the police say he is a suspect and now they are trying to connect him to the embezzlement that lead to Lunchester Corporation going bankrupt,even though I was a major shareholder I didn't suffer great loss like the other stakeholders.

The meeting goes on for four hours and plans of the promotional video and branding company we will collaborate with are made,so we will be leaving for New York to meet with the Branding company and Luciano and I are going.

The meeting ends and lunch is served to everyone,I walk out to answer a call and on my way back inside I'm stopped by Luciano .

"Remind me why ,you hired Nick , I'm a partner here,you and I own this winery Lotus,I believe I have the right to have a say in who you hire",he says,is he serious not even a hello or how are the kids doing.

"Luciano you may be a partner here but I'm the Managing Director and I hired Nick because if his qualifications, and he is doing a great job as head of the finance department", I say and begin to walk back into the conference room,his hand stops me.

"What was that about during the meeting,you know company rules state that you can't have a relationship",he says.

" Luciano what the hell are you talking about",I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"That public display of affection,him cleaning the little water you got on yourself",he mocks I just laugh and head back to the conference room, I'm hungry and if I were to have anything with Nick I would have but I'm busy trying to win him back but Luciano is determined to marry Courtney,so I need the energy and comfort food will give me.

I can't wait to go to New York this is going to be a major event for our company and we have decided to pick very well know artists to star in the promotional video, we've sent out invitations to have them go for the try outs in New York and I plan on attending.

I enter the conference room and Luciano enters after me, No ck hands me a plate and I see Luciano snort and take the plate his assistant gives him.

"So can I come o your trip to New York", Giovanna asks as I sit down next to her.

"No you can't, you've got work to do Giovanna and you're always coming on my business trips sometimes I wonder why you're still working here",I say and take a bit of my salad.

" You keep me here because, without me this company will be boring and y'all would be having mental break downs",she says and flips her hair.

" Just say you want some private time with Luciano",she continues and Nick and I look at her at the same time.

I don't answer her because I know deep down that's what I want.

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