chapter thirty three

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Luciano's POV

"Are you fucking serious Luciano,we are really staying here?", I thought you said we just came her to sort out some things with your company", Courtney yells.

" We already spoke about this they are my children,I just can't leave",I say and put my tie on.

" You're not even sure if they are yours, you're delusional, you're so stuck up on your ex that you think those are your children,you're messing up our plans Luciano we're getting married this summer, we were supposed to be in Paris today and we are leaving, I'm not going to give your ex the chance to get back with you,so you have to choose between me or them", she screamed. We've been going on and on about this.

"I'm choosing my kids Courtney,you want to go back to Paris fine, I'll tell my pilot to get the jet ready,okay",I say and grab my keys.

" What the hell did you just say Luciano,you can't do this to me",she sobs, I just sigh and turn to her . I can't see her this way.

"Just give me time okay , I'll get my kids and we'll leave for paris I can't leave them Courtney they are mine,if you love me as much as you say , you'll give me your support but if you don't I won't force",i say .

" I'm not cut out to be a stepmom Luciano,how do you expect me to raise another woman's children but since those children mean so much to you then I'll do anything to make you happy I'm not going to lose you",she says and I wrap my arms around her , that's why I love her.

I leave and drive to the my friend's lawfirm so we can begin the custody process,I pick Enzo up so he can escort me.

"Are you really going to sue her for custody of the kids ,you know they are still young right and they need their mother and are you sure Courtney will raise them like her own",he asks and I slam the brakes.

" Hey what the fuck,I don't have kids yet!",he yells.

" Don't confuse me,Enzo ",I say and run a hand through my hair.

"It seems you're not sure, I'm sure you guys can work out co parenting,you don't need to take each other to court Mari and Liam will be devastated",he says. He's right ,what do I do?.

So I drop him off at his night club and drive to the office.

It's been so long since I came to my winery,I walk to my office and my employees greet me ,I look at the side office where Lotus used work as my assistant now occupied by someone else,she greets me with a smile and I go into my office.

"About time you got here , I've been waiting for two hours",an all too familiar voice says. I look at my office chair and it is occupied by Lotus in a beautiful black dress that's showing some cliveage. Child birth really did a good one on her. She smiles and next to her is a double cradle and I know my sons are in there. I fight the edge to run to it and pick my son up.

" Lotus fancy seeing you here",I say and take a sit opposite her.

" Thought we'd come visit you and I brought over some papers, you've been away for so long so it's only right that you know about the progress of your two wineries",she says and gets up. She picks up some papers from her handbag and sits on the chair next to me.

Her vanilla and almond scent envelopes me and the passionate moments between us come rushing to me and hit me like a train.

She starts filling me in on everything but I seem not to pay attention she is so focused she doesn't notice me taking her in. The sound of wimpering brings me back to reality.

She gets up and picks one of the boys up and gets his bottle of milk from the bag but I stop her "breastfeed him ",I say and her cheeks turn rosey . She grabs a small cloth and covers herself and begins breast feeding him I want to rip the cloth from her but that's just messed up .

After a minute the other starts crying, she's busy with the other one so I take the liberty and left him,they are so identical how do I know which one is which.

"That's Angelo,he has a red bracelet,he is the younger one and I'm holding Antonio he has a blue bracelet he's the older one",she says and I look back at my smiling son ,my heart warms up.

"Don't take them away from me Luciano,you can see them any time you want",she says and I just kiss her forehead and tell her I won't.

"We could have been a family Lotus but you had to go and sleep with your ex and cheated on me,I should be an asshole to you because you weren't planning on telling me about my children,but I know what it feels like to grow up without a mother's love,so I won't let that happen to my kids",I say and take a sit,to continue looking over all the work.

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