First suit ||Tony Stark||

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l/n = last name

"Y/n!" You heard your boyfriend shout from the other room, despite him being able to give you a message in literally any other way, as your house was full of AI. "Y/n!"

"What?" You asked, walking into the room he was in.

He smiled, and kissed you on the cheek. "What are you wearing tonight."

You groaned. "Tony, I already told you, I'm not going to any of your parties."

"This is important baby." He whined, grabbing your hands. 

You shook your head. "That's what you always say."

"I promise," he pleaded, leaning into your shoulder, "I won't make you go to any others."

"What's gotten into you?" You chuckled. 

He kisses you neck. "I need an excuse to not talk to some people." You rolled your eyes. "You make me look good."

"I make everyone look good." You corrected. He hummed in agreement, then pulled back, looking at you. 

"So, what are you going to wear? I've never seen you in a suit before, so this should be really amazing."

"Umm, that's because I don't have a suit. I'll have to go buy—"

"You've never had a suit before?" Tony exclaimed. "How—I...have you worn a suit?" You shook your head. "You are missing out on so much fashion. JARVIS, where is my tape measurer?"

"Footage shows it's in your lab, sir."

"Of course it is." Tony muttered. "Wait here. I'll take your measurements. My prince shouldn't have to undergo the nightmare of suit shopping." Tony said, kissing your cheek before retrieving the tape measurer, and taking your measurements for the suit. 

You were excited to finally get a suit. No one had ever gotten you one before, and you didn't know how to shop for one yourself.

"Mr. l/n, Mr. Stark would like to see you in the bedroom." JARVIS said. 

"Alright, thanks JARVIS." You said, jumping up, and going into the bedroom.

"Hey handsome, try this one first." Tony handed you a suit, which you eagerly took. 

You come out wearing a suit that doesn't fit. "I think I can pull this off."

"Babe, no." Tony rolls his eyes, and promptly pulls out another suit, that's when you realize there are three bags on the floor. Sighing, you take the next suit and try it on. 

You're almost done with the first bag, when you find it. 

It fits well, and actually looks nice.

"I don't think I should show you this." You call out to your boyfriend.

"What? Why?"

You open the door, and step out. "Because I look better than you." 

You watched his confused look turn to a smirk. "You could give me a run for my money, hotstuff." He kissed your lips, before pulling back, and looking over at all the bags. He bit his lip. "I thought you were going to be more difficult to shop for..."

"Just because you are doesn't mean I am." You bantered, pulling his waist up against you.

He shook his head, smirking. 


"Hmm?" He hummed, looking at you slightly concerned, now.

"Thank you." You murmured, holding him tighter.

He raised a brow. "For what? You the suit?"

You nodded.

He kissed your forehead, and pulls you closer to him, too. "You don't have to thank me for that, but you're welcome. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Good, now let's go show it." He said, kissing you one last more time, before leading you downstairs where you two would soon be hosting a party.

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