First Shot ||Scott Lang||

376 17 10

Tw: needles (and depiction of you getting a shot), & being in a hospital

Scott held your hand while you waited in the hospital room for the doctor. You squeezed his hand a bit, nervously. 

Today was the day you would be able to start testosterone, and while you were excited, you were a little nervous about needles. 

Having Scott there helped, though. He had been there with you every step of the way. Even when he was busy, he managed to make it. 

You had already had the consults needed, so when the doctor came in, they were able to start demonstrating the procedure for getting the hormones into the needle soon after coming in, which wasn't very complex, though you had to wait a bit to get all the testosterone into the needle. 

Afterwards, the doctor disinfected the area where the needle would be injected. 

"It'll be okay." Scott murmured in your ear as you began twiddling loosely with his fingers. 

"Take a breath." The doctor said, smiling at you. "Most patients say they just feel a pinch. It's not like other shots because the needle is being inserted into a muscle."

You nodded, inhaled deeply, then exhaled. 

"Ready?" They asked. You nodded, and the doctor inserted. 

The doctor inserted the needle, and gave you the shot. You felt a slight pinch when the needle was injected, but nothing more, like the doctor said.

"There, all done. That wasn't so bad, right?"

"Right, there was just a pinch." 

Scott smiled at you, and squeezed your hand. The doctor gave you more instructions regarding your prescription, and how frequently you would have to take a shot. They gave you tips about breathing before giving yourself the shot, and making sure your grip was steady for any nerves. Then, they told you the sanitary measures to take to make sure nothing got infected. 

You were able to leave shortly after, Scott still holding your hand.

"I'm so proud of you, you know?" He said once to got to the car.

"Thank you." You said, smiling.

"No you don't. You'll never know." He kissed your forehead, his head placed on the back of your head. "Now come on. Let's get Baskin Robbins."

a/n: i know that not everybody wants to transition, and not everyone wants to go on testosterone (and of course that varying circumstances can make transition difficult)...but i also know that some people are skeptical about needles when starting, so i decided to make this

stay safe, drink some water, try to take care of yourself for at least a little bit

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