The Game Is On ||Sherlock Holmes||

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l/n = last name

"How long have you known?"

You blinked at the man's question. You had just finished telling Sherlock about a case you wanted—well...needed him to look into.


"Oh, come on, you're a clever girl. Surely you've figured it out by now, so, how long have you known?"

John shot up from his chair at this remark. "Sherlock!"

"No, no." You said, putting your hand up, and raising your eyebrow at the burnet. "He's right."

Sherlock simply smiled, and John reluctantly sat back down.

"So, how long has it been?"

You pause, before saying, "three months. It's been three months now."

"So why tell us now?" Sherlock asked, leaning towards you in his chair. You opened you mouth to speak, when he held up a hand. "Wait—don't tell me." 

He looked away from you briefly, before his curious eyes landed back on you. "Unless..." he murmured, smirking. " are clever...because it hasn't gotten's disappeared entirely, hasn't it."

"Wait—wha—" John started, before Sherlock interrupted him.

"Oh! This is Christmas! John, get my coat, Ms L/n, you will accompany us, you seem like you have a few tricks up your sleeve." Sherlock winked at you, before rushing into the other room.

John sighed, before looking at you. He looked slightly exasperated, but still smiled at you, and said, "welcome to Baker Street then."

You gave a small smile back. "Right. Could you do me a favor, and get Sherlock to call me y/n?" 

"No promises." John said, getting up to get Sherlock's coat. 

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