Coming Out [Sexuality] [Marvel]

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Hi! Sorry I've been inactive to those who follow my updates. I only have the energy to post one of these for Marvel right now, but I'll try to get some another out for Sherlock.

Happy pride!


He goes off on a 2 hour tangent about how sexuality doesn't make any sense, and how it shouldn't have to be labeled if people don't want it to be, but he's happy that people have found labels that work for them and how it's good that there are more labels for people. Then he throws you a party. He doesn't care how old you are or how many people you've told, you're getting a party, and you have no say in whether or not you get one.


May not know what it is at first—but is really supportive, and curious to learn what it means. He thinks you're brave for being able to come out, and will probably ask you questions about other identities later on. He writes this all in his notebook, too. 


He gets excited when you tell him, especially because Loki is bi. If/once he knows which flag belongs to your sexuality, he'll always point it out when you're in public. Anytime he sees the colors on a shirt or something else unrelated to actual pride attire, he'll point that out as well. He's very supportive, but you may need to explain to him that it's not okay to introduce you as his friend who is [your sexuality]/explain why you shouldn't out people and what outing is if that'll bother you.


He doesn't see the point in coming out; you are what you are, and you love who you love, and that's it on Asgard. He's still supportive of you, but doesn't really understand what kind of reaction you want from him.


He doesn't make a big deal out of it, and may not really convey it, but he's supportive. I feel like he'd say "thank you for telling me", because honestly, he doesn't view you any differently than before, but he appreciates that you feel comfortable enough to tell him, and likes knowing more things about you. He's a bit like Loki where he doesn't really see the point in coming out because he thinks people should be able to be attracted to whoever they want (within reason).

Shang Chi

Really happy you felt comfortable enough to tell him—the two of you stay out late doing karaoke to celebrate. Good at keeping it a secret afterwards if you want him to, but is a little awkward when it's brought up around people who don't know. 


She had her suspicions, but doesn't tell you this unless you ask. She's really supportive, and good at keeping it a secret if you want. She doesn't let anyone say anything homophobic around you, and will help you come out if you want her to (she also helps reassure you everyone else will be accepting, and you know that even if they aren't, she won't leave your side).


He smirks and says he knew it. He claims that he could "just tell", even if everyone else says they were oblivious. He'll find a way to make puns out of your sexuality—even if you want keep it a secret, he'll make jokes and puns, he'll just be more discrete about it. He definitely supports you, and he'll bring it up sometimes randomly or point out pride flags.

Peter P.

Really excited for you—he gets you books and comics with good representation, and tells you about movies and shows too. He's also LGBTQ and already knows a lot about different identities, he helps you come out to people if you want him to. The two of you become even closer friends because it's something you bond over. He also sends you a lot of memes and jokes.

Peter Q.

Not very familiar with the all. He has a very limited perspective on sexuality and the labels put on it due to how young he was when Yondu took him under his wing. You'll have to explain what it means to him. His reaction is likely somewhere along the lines of "Woah! There's a name for that?" and he'd probably ask a bunch of questions like "what if I'm attracted to __ but also ___, is there a word for that?" (the other guardians will probably join in on this)


Really supportive, and asks who else knows. He's good at keeping it a secret if you want him to do so, but he'll also help you in whichever way you want. He may ask some questions like how you knew, and how long you've known, but that's it. He says that you can talk to him about it whenever you want, if you want to. 

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