Coming Out [Sexuality] [Sherlock]

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Y/s= your sexuality


He knew. He deduced it when he first met you, but he didn't feel it was relevant to anything, so he didn't mention it.

He just says that for him it is what it is and there's no reason to make a big deal out of it, but still makes you tea to calm your nerves.


He's surprised—even if the closet was made out of glass. Partially because he thought that you would've told him sooner, but he wraps you up in a hug, and takes you out to dinner to celebrate.

He lets you know that if you ever need anything you can come to him, and he'll always be there to support you, or protect you, or whatever you need. He'd do anything to make sure you didn't end up like Harry.


He knew, but he didn't care to bring it up to you. He felt like it was really none of his business—so he was actually surprised when you told him.

He was very diplomatic, formal, and professional, and told you that if you disclosed this to any one else and they harassed you, that he would have them out of a job immediately. Even if it was one of his most esteemed staff.

He would never admit it—but he felt...something. Whether it was honor or happiness or something else, he couldn't actually say, but he felt differently around you after you told him...he felt closer to you knowing that you trusted him with the information.


He knew. He didn't deduce it, he can just tell.

He looks at you like you're crazy, and says

"Wasn't it obvious?"


He's happy for you. He hugs you and takes you out to get coffee. I feel like he'd tell you about a family member or past coworker who was y/s, not to compare you or to assume you know each other, but to try to let you know that he supports you.

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