Getting Your Attention [Sherlock]

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How does he not try to get your attention?
He doesn't like to admit it, but he can get needy, and once he does, there is very little stopping him.
He'll usually physically get between you and whatever has your attention, which has resulted in him coming up to you and slamming your laptop shut, snatching a book out of your hands, he's even taken a plate of food away from you just because he wanted to sit in your lap. Though he'll usually just walk away, and expect you to come after him to give him attention.

It depends on what you're doing.
He'll usually just say your name, and ask how long you've been working. If you're reading, he'll start asking what the book is about, and will try to cuddle with you while you read it (unless you've been inside all day, of course, then he'll tell you you've been reading enough, and to come outside).
Him wanting your attention usually simply results on the two of you going on a date night.

He usually understands that your work is important and leaves you alone.
But if he really wants your attention, he'll usually leave you food nearby, just out of your reach so that you have to interrupt what you're doing. Once you've stopped what you're doing, he'll usually come up to you and start talking (usually checking in).
You've learned to understand what this means, and take a break to spend time with him, but sometimes you still miss the cue and it's just annoying.

She doesn't care what you're doing, if she wants your attention, she'll sit on your lap, or come up behind you and drape her arm over your shoulders, start kissing your neck, or run her fingers through your hair.
If this doesn't get your attention, she'll start saying things to wind you up (usually things you think are embarrassing and don't want other people to know). She usually doesn't have to list more than one thing.

James Moriarty
He will likely be eccentric and creative to get your attention, even if it's fairly easy to get your attention.
This could buying and presenting you with lavish (sometimes over the top) gifts, or blasting music. At this point, it's very difficult to work, even if you really tried.
He wants all eyes on him. He wants you to treat him like a king (he already thinks he is one and treats himself as such, but he wants it to come from you as well).

She'll usually tap you lightly, or whisper your name to get your attention. She doesn't like to interrupt. If that doesn't work, she'll do something for you, like get you food or something to drink. If you're at home, she asks if there's anything she can do like the dishes or the laundry, or some other chore.
She usually just wants you to thank her, and spend time with her (I feel like one of her life be languages would be words of affirmation).

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