Covers ||John Watson||

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You sighed at the sound of your alarm. You turn it off quickly, before burying yourself under your covers. You just wanted the world to go away. You shut your eyes tight, trying to ignore your body, finding it difficult to convince yourself to get out of bed due to not wanting to deal with it.

You heard the door open swiftly, and peeked your head out from your cocoon to see your flatmate, Sherlock. He had his mouth open, but closed it when he saw you. He looked at you momentarily, before leaving silently.

You huffed, and shook your head, and pulled the covers back over your face.

A few moments later, there was a soft knocking at the door, before you heard it open. There was a gentle prod at the covers, and you pushed them aside to see your boyfriend, John, giving you a worried look.

"Sherlock said you're not feeling well?" He was holding a cup of tea, and had his laptop pinned under his arm. You shook your head 'no'. "Oh, do you think it's just dysphoria, or is it something else?"

"I don't know." You admitted, looking down.

He set the tea down to the table next to you, and put the laptop down on the bed. "Don't worry, love," he said, running his fingers affectionately through your hair, "I'm here for you."

You nod slightly, and he makes his way to the other side of the bed where he gets under the covers, pulling the laptop towards him. "I told Sherlock not to bother us, so, how about we watch something?"

You smile, and once you find something to watch, he wraps his arms around you, and pulls you closer to his chest.

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