Mysterious Absence ||Stephen Strange||

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Warnings: Mentions of surgery, slight language, and kind of being outed (no one gets hurt & it's unintentional)'s longer than the last one.

Anything in italics is past tense

Stephen's pov

Stephen paced around the library.

He'd grown restless without you, he had gotten so used to seeing you walk in every morning, briskly running a hand through your hair before you were ready to start training. Now, it was difficult for him to focus, even with meditation.

You were a natural, you made difficult spells seem relatively easy—it wasn't much surprise to anyone that Stephen had quickly developed what some might call a soft spot for you, but of course he would never admit it.

You also insisted at working, which he wasn't too baffled at. You lived in your own apartment with a roommate, so it made some sense that you would want to work to support yourself. Both Stephen and Wong made it abundantly clear that you were welcome to stay at the Sanctum as long as you like, but you always politely declined.

Stephen always wondered why you didn't just stay—though he never pried.

"Is your roommate your partner?" He asked at one point.

You shook your head, "I don't have a partner." Stephen felt a sudden pang of hope when you said that.

"So what's keeping you?"

"I like the independence." 

"Be careful with that." He warned.

"Too late."

He smiled, before he realized he was thinking about you again, and shook his head.

It felt like he was losing it—he didn't really know what to do without you there to entertain him. He tried practicing, but he couldn't focus.

He blamed it partially on the fact that you had just left.

You had only been gone a few days, but he was already bored. You had asked for two weeks off, and were extremely vague on where you were actually going.

"Stephen?"  You started, staring at him expectantly.

"Hmm?" He looked up from the book he was reading, the two of you didn't have much to do, and had decided to read to pass the time.

"What's the longest I could take off?"

He raised an eyebrow. "As long as you need, within bounds. Is everything all right?"

"Everything's fine." You smile.

"How much time do you need off?"

"Two weeks."

He paused. "Two weeks?"

You nod, hesitantly.

"Why do you need two weeks off?"

"Um...personal reasons..."

"'Personal reasons'?" He chuckles. "You'll have to give me more reason than 'personal reasons."

"It's family." You stated.

He nodded, recognizing he wasn't getting anything else from you. "When's your last day?"

This time, his thoughts were interrupted by three echoing knocks at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone, so he considered not opening it, but he decided otherwise.

His face fell a bit when he saw Tony standing there.

"Is your boyfriend here?" Tony asked.

Stephen raised a brow. "What?"

"Your boyfriend. You know, y/n."

"Ah, we're not—'

"What? Out yet. Don't worry buddy, I don't judge. I just need you to give these to him." Tony said, pushing a file towards him. Stephen opened his mouth, but Tony interrupted him again. "Oh, and, uh. Look, I know we don't really see eye to eye, but could you tell him I support him for me, and that he can put this off until he's recovered."

Stephen blinked. "Come in." He said, transferring the both of them inside, to the living room, making Tony sit in a chair. "Tea?" Stephen offered.

"No." Tony said, making a face.

"What do you mean, 'recovery'?" Stephen asked, taking a sip of his tea.

"From his surgery. Duh."

"What surgery?"

"You don't have to treat me like an idiot, you know. I know he got top surgery, will you just give him this?" Tony sighed, pushing the file towards Stephen.

"By top do you mean his chest?"

"Top surgery, chest surgery, gender reassignment surgery, whatever you want to call it bud. Can I go now?"

Stephen nodded, and stood up, making Tony stand up as well. Stephen sent him through a portal without saying 'bye'. He furrowed his brow, and looked down at the file, piecing it together, before conjuring another portal, and stepping through to your apartment.

Your pov

You were propped up on the sofa watching TV when you were startled by the sound of a portal opening in your living room. Your roommate was out getting groceries, so now it was just you and Stephen.

"Oh, um. Hi." You say, pausing the show you were watching.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Hoping he was just talking about you being home instead of with family.

"Tony told me about your surgery." He said, dropping the file on your lap.

"I—how did Tony find out?"

"I was hoping you would answer that."

You shook your head. "I didn't tell anyone." You admitted.

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure." You muttered, "I just didn't want to lose anything, or anyone." It was the closest answer you could give.

"Sorry." He said.

"For what?"

"That you have to worry about that."

You nod. "Would you like to watch?"

He smirked. "I thought you'd never ask, you're behind by the way."

You rolled your eyes, and began to shift over on the sofa, but he ended up helping you, since it was difficult to adjust everything on your own. The sofa was fairly large, but you usually ended up leaning on your roommate when the two of you would watch things together, so you told him where to put the pillows, and ended up leaning against him. You had become close friends, so it wasn't awkward for either of you.

"I support you, by the way." He murmured at one of the breaks from the show.

"Hmm?" You tilt your head up.

"I thought I should say it."

You smirk. "Lot of good that does me now." You dig yourself slightly more into him, since you couldn't exactly turn to punch him. You were being playful, but Stephen took this as a sign of affection, and wrapped an arm around you, careful not to hurt you.

You tilted your head up towards him.

"Is this okay?" He asked.

You nod, "I'll tell you if I'm uncomfortable."

"Okay." He kisses your forehead, and you smile before continuing to watch the show.

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