Interview ||Scott Lang||

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warnings: depictions of being sick & some cursing

enjoy, stay safe

"Y/n? Y/n?"

You woke up to your boyfriend shaking you, and saying your name.

"Y/n, are you alright? It's 11:40."

"I—" damn it. You flinched at the pain, and  swallowed, trying to sooth your sore throat. "No, I'm sick."

It felt like you were coming down with something recently, but you didn't feel this bad yesterday.

"Yep, you do feel hotter than usual. And you're pretty damn hot."

"Don't you have a job interview in 20 minutes?"

"Yeah, but I just woke up."

Your throat was really starting to bother you, so you resorted to just giving him a look.

"What? You usually wake me up for this stuff. You never sleep in."

You only roll your eyes in response, and roll over to go back to sleep. Scott quickly cuddled up next to you, his chest pressing up against your back, and his arm on top of yours.

"Do you want anything?" He asked, kissing your cheek.

"You going to that interview." You grumbled, pulling the blanket up to your face.

"The place is 40 minutes away. Plus, don't you have to be like, 5 minutes early?" He rubbed your arm, and looked down at you. After you didn't reply for a while, he brushed your hair away from your forehead, and kissed your cheek again.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to go to Baskin Robbins, and get your favorite ice cream, alright? That should help with your throat. Then I'll go get my laptop, and we'll watch your favorite movies, alright?"

You nodded, just wanting to back to sleep.

Not that Scott paid any attention to your response, he was already going to do his plan once he had thought it.

Once Scott had left the house, you sighed, and got up, wrapping the blanket around you to keep its warmth. You made your way to the kitchen, and made a small breakfast—something that was just enough so that ice cream wouldn't be the only thing you had to eat all day since you knew Scott would let you get away with that.

You got his laptop, and signed in to his account. He had his email pulled up, so you decided to email the place for him, informing them he wouldn't be able to make it for personal reasons. You were only trying to be polite. You closed the computer, and plugged it in before going back to bed.

You must've drifted off because you woke up to Scott shaking you awake gently again. It felt like it had all been a dream before you saw the ice cream in his hand.

Scott helped you sit up (he got the ice cream in a cup rather than a cone), before giving you your ice cream, and running downstairs to get his laptop.

"Did you plug this in?" He asked when he came back.

"I sent them an email." You croaked

He kissed your forehead. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that. You're sick, all you need to do is rest."

He crawled under the blankets, and pulled you against his chest.

"Now, let's watch movies until you feel better."

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