Idiot ||Sherlock||

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Tw: transphobia (tslur), mention of he/him pronouns

"You're so beautiful. Shame you sound like a man." Anderson spat at you, as you walked into work that morning. You always did your best to stay composed. You were one of the brightest detectives in Scotland Yard—you were new, and younger than him—you knew he was also knew that he could potentially be dangerous.

"You've been here so long. Shame you're not a good detective." You muttered, walking past him quickly.

"I don't have to be a good detective to know you're a tranny." He retorted, louder than you.

You inhaled sharply, and paused. You turned around to say something back, but a tall man walking behind you beat you to the comment.

"Congratulations, you just agreed with her." He said, in a matter-of-fact voice. You felt your heart pounding at the sight of Sherlock Holmes.

Anderson opened his mouth, then closed it again, before asking, "agreed with what? Him?!"

"She told you that you are stupid, and a bad detective. And she is obviously right. You cannot tell that someone is a woman, even when one is standing right in front of you. No wonder you have gone to the same prostitute 10 times." Sherlock announced, before stepping closer to Anderson, and speaking in a deep growl. "Now, if you misgender her one more time, or refer to her as a man, or say that word again, I will personally ensure you can draw me a map of a hospital by memory. If you harass her one more time, you will have a problem with me, and all the people I know. Do I make myself clear?"

Anderson chuckled, but flinched immediately when the taller man made a sudden step forward. "Yes! Christ, no need to get all defensive, it was a joke."

"It was no more a joke, than your life is, Anderson. People laugh at jokes." Sherlock corrected him.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Anderson muttered, waking away.

Sherlock, then turned to you and asked, "where's Lestrade?"

"He hasn't come in yet."

Sherlock gave a bored sigh, and slouched his shoulders a bit.

"Um...thank you. Anderson's an idiot."

Sherlock straightened, and looked at you, slightly confused and surprised. "Why wouldn't I say that to him? You're clearly a woman. Just because you were born differently doesn't mean he can call you what he likes." You nod in agreement. "I'm going to go look for Lestrade, if anyone ever bothers you again, you know where to find me." Sherlock winks, before walking out.

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