Coming Out [Gender] [Multifandom]

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for anyone coming out as trans (nonbinary, genderfluid, genderqueer, etc. included)

I wanted to do something in recognition of TDOR (Transgender Day of Remembrance) since I can't really recognize it in any other way except online platforms right now.

Even if you aren't reading this on TDOR, it's always important to remember the people we have lost, of course, regardless of the reason. It's important to stay strong and to keep fighting.

This is technically a preference/how I think the characters would react to you coming out (specifically as trans/non binary/genderqueer). None of the characters are mine & I'm sure I'm not the first one to do this.

I'm sure I missed someone, so if you want me to include other characters, I could do a part 2 :)

Included: Brooklyn 99, MCU, and Sherlock

Brooklyn 99:

Jake Peralta:

-100% supports you

-Goes on a tangent about how he thinks trans/nonbinary people deserve better, and how they're mistreated, and need more positive representation in the media, and just more representation in general

-Will hyperfocus at one point on how gender is a social construct, and will present this all to you the next day (& will bring it up from time to time)

-Will mess up a few times, but catches himself halfway through, and makes it into a new word before using what you told him to (eventually it'll be smooth sailing from there)

-At one point will probably half-forget

--"There's a package here for d/n"

--"D/n? There's no d/n here."

--"Oh, my mistake, sorry"





--"Y/n!" *runs after whoever it was

-Stands up for you, no hesitation

Rosa Diaz:


-Doesn't let anyone mess with you

-Would get away with whatever she did to the person who did mess with you

-Did some research on gender theory & will occasionally rant about it to you

-The two of you do your own special thing together (movies, game night, etc., whatever you prefer)

Arlo (Rosa's dog):


-Is a dog

-Obviously accepts you

-Wants you to play with him

Hitchcock and Skully:

--"Is this some kind of attempt to steal our secret pancake stash?"

--"You have a what now?"

--"Oh, never mind. What were you telling us then"

-You tell them again

--"Oh, ok. Wanna cookie?"

-The cookie is actually edible, since they take you to a bakery to get it

Raymond Holt:

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