Cool ||Rosa Diaz||

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Warning: mentions of pretransition & trying to present masculine/hypermasculine...

You felt different since you were younger. You tried to push it away—tried to present hyper masculine and get a job that would make you be respected, especially as a male.

Not that you weren't passionate about your job—you enjoyed investigating, and being a detective—but the masculinity attached to it, did help you cover it up at first.

At first, you were met with the type of people you had expected to meet—which, in short, was problematic men—but after a while, you transferred to the 99.

You were shocked to have a gay captain, and were even more surprised at the fact that your coworkers seemed to be perfectly accepting. 

You quickly became friends with Rosa—everyone was surprised that the two of you got along so well so quickly. Rosa had always been drawn to you, she didn't know why, but she was. 

You helped support her when she came out as bi—you were one of the first people she told. The change in atmosphere, and watching one of your best friends come to terms with her identity helped you accept that you were trans, so on one of the game nights, you decided to stay after everyone had already left. 

"Finally," she said, closing the door behind the final person, and walking into the kitchen, "all the losers left, so now we can have some real fun."

She came back with a bottle of wine, and handed you a glass before sitting down across from you.

You set your glass down on the table.

She frowned. "Alright, what's wrong."


"You've been distant all night, and every time we're working, you give me this lingering look like you want to talk. I thought I could get it out of you with alcohol, but apparently not. So what's up?"

You inhaled deeply, then exhaled to calm your nerves.

"So, um...I've realized that I'm trans." You said, nervously looking up at her.

Her face had a plain expression, as usual. She looked at you for a moment, before she leaned forward, and hugged you. 

You blinked in surprise—realizing she had never hugged you before you hugged her back. 

The two of you pulled back at the same time, and she looked at the wall.

"I—uh...I know I don't say this often, but you're my friend, and I care about you. And all that matters to me is that you're happy."

You nodded. "Thank you."

She shrugged. "It's the least I can do after all you've done for me...have you told anyone else."

You shook your head. "No, I haven't. I'm not really sure when I'm going to tell, but I needed to tell someone."

"Alright. That's fine, you don't have to tell anyone else if you're not ready. I'm cool with keeping secrets. But if you do need any help telling anyone, you can ask me, okay?"

You nodded. "Okay."

"Good. Now, if I remember correctly, I have a game to win back. If you're up for it, of course."

You smirked. "Of course."

Even though it all went fine, you couldn't help but feel some anxiety when you got home later that night. You hoped this wouldn't change your relationship at all with Rosa.

When you showed up for work the next morning, you were relieved that everything had seemed the way it had been before. Nobody treated you any differently, not even Rosa. 

It was slightly more difficult to hear the male pronouns, and your legal name, but other than that, it was normal. 

A few hours after you got home form your shift, you heard a knock on your door. You opened it, and were surprised to see Rosa.

"Hey. Can I come in?"

"Sure." You stepped away from the door.

"So, I did a lot of research last night on you being trans, just to know how to be a better friend. And I realized, you probably don't have many feminine clothes. You left a shirt at my house once, so I cross-referenced the sizes, and I got you this." She held up a duffel bag, and set it on the floor. 

"I—you didn't have to."

She shrugged. "Girls need to stick together. Don't worry about it."

You opened your mouth, but you knew that when Rosa said not to worry about something, she meant it, so you closed your mouth, and simply said "thank you".

"It's no problem. By the way, do you have a name picked out?"

You paused for a moment, before saying. "I was thinking about y/n."

She smiled. "Cool."

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