Dysphoria ||Peter Parker||

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"Y/n! Y/n!" Peter's muffled voice came from the other side of your window. You sighed and got up, now that you knew he was Spiderman, he was always showing up at your window. It was like he forgot doors existed.

You opened the window, and he climbed in.

"Why do you lock your window? No one else is coming but me. Unless..." He narrowed his eyes at you, "are you cheating on me with some other Spiderman."

You shook your head.

Peter frowned. "Hey, what's wrong?"

He walked towards you and gently took your hand.

You sighed, "I'm just...not feeling like myself today." You admitted.

Before Peter had come, you had simply been sitting in bed.

"Oh, that's fine, I was actually going to tell you about a new show I found, but now we can just watch it. I'll go get you some ice cream, and we can cuddle, okay? I'll be right back." Peter said, rushing out of the room in pursuit of the ice cream you had in your freezer.

You got back under the blankets, and Peter returned with a tub of ice cream. He handed you the tub while he got the remote and started looking through the TV for the show. The tub had two spoons stuck in them.

He crawled under the blankets as he started the show, and pulled you up against his chest.

"You know you're beautiful, right?" He whispered, kissing your forehead.

You only took a bite of your ice cream.

He shook your shoulder a bit. "N/n?"

"Hmm?" You looked up at him.

He placed his hand on your cheek. "You're so pretty. I need you to know that."

You nodded, "I know."

He kissed the tip of your nose. "Good. Because otherwise, I would've had to take away your ice cream privileges."

You brought the ice cream closer to your chest. "Try me."

He reached around you, took a spoon, and took a scoop of the ice cream.

"I don't need you to because you know you're beautiful."

You looked up at him for a moment.

"Thank you."

He scrunched his face. "For what, n/n?"

"For trying to make me feel better."

He stuck the spoon back into the tub of ice cream so he could pull you tighter against his chest.

"Always, n/n," He said, kissing your head, "always."

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