small headcanon thing for international transgender day of visibility

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hi, this chapter is kind of weird and short (I'm writing this pretty late, so I also probably forgot some) & I'm sorry about that, but here you go

also, if you have anything to contribute, feel free to leave a comment, I do like seeing multiple perspectives and hearing why people like specific headcanons as well, but do be respectful (tone indicators may help)

Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)

I really like this headcanon, and I think I like it partially because it's so accessible. One of Dipper's main attributes is that he struggles with his masculinity, and while this is a trans experience, this is also a cis experience. There are aspects of Dipper's character that aren't really shown in other characters, such as struggles with how others perceive his masculinity (and being able to do this healthily), his voice, his intelligence, etc. It's easy for a wide range of people to relate to Dipper. Even when people argue that he's cis, I still find it easy to view him though a non-cis lens (as well as others).

Grenda (Gravity Falls)

I don't know if this is canon or not, but I still like it a lot, actually. I love the idea that we were given a transfem character that still has a deep voice, but never once was it questioned, and everyone referred to her as a girl (this is my own voice dysphoria showing, sorry). While it would have been interesting to see what they could've done if they had decided to make this character explicitly trans in the show, I still like the headcanon in and of itself.

Most characters from Good Omens

I don't make the rules. Like, did you not read it? Or watch the show??? What makes you think Aziraphale would conform to anything?? What makes you think Crowley can choose a gender?? Pollution canonically goes by they/them pronouns (in show at least, I haven't read very far in the book)... Anathema isn't transfem?? Can you convince me of that??


I like writing this headcanon quite a bit and playing around with it. I think it's partially because he's one of my biggest comfort characters, but I also love the idea of one of the most famous, idolized characters ever being trans, or LGBT+ in some way. Especially because he's a character we're not supposed to know much about, but so many adaptations feel the same, and I find the fics where he's trans to actually be enjoyable most of the time.

Peter Parker (Marvel)

There's actually a lot of good evidence for this one in my opinion. I think another thing that contributes to my liking for this headcanon is the fact that Stan Lee said Spiderman was one of his favorite characters to make because anyone could be under the mask. I think it makes sense (sometimes I forget it's not canon...oops...), and I also think it's good to have positive representation in comics & superhero films. Especially because so many people recognize and love Spiderman, too.

Misc (MCU):

There are some characters I wish the MCU had made gender non-conforming, or used different pronouns, or had a completely different concept of how to refer to other people (especially with space). But think about the people who did not grow up in a Euro-centric country, like Wakanda, where there is potentially more freedom of expression, and more than one gender on the binary.

Remus Lupin (Harry Potter):

When you argue with me about this one, please do not mention canon bc we all know JK would not include a trans character. Anyway, I haven't seen a whole lot of this, and honestly, I don't know if I can provide any evidence besides subtleties in his characters. 

Luna Lovegood:

I feel like Luna would go by she/they pronouns.

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