Forced Babysitting ||Stephen Strange x gender neutral reader||

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Kind of requested...a friend of mine came up with this idea

It was one of the few days where there wasn't much going on—neither you or Stephen had much to do, so the two of you had decided to make tea and read on the sofa. You sat close to each other, so that you could drape your legs across his lap, and he could hold your hand while you read.

You thought the whole day would be like this—neither of you would've minded—but it all had to be interrupted by a knock on the door.

He looks up at you. "Expecting anyone?"

"No." You shook your head.

You both got up to answer the door—Stephen slightly ahead of you—and opened the door to see Tony.

"Great, you're home. I need you to watch him." Tony said, pointing to Peter.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I'm busy, so I can't really deal with him now."

"He's not five, I'm sure he can manage on his own."

"Him? On his own? Yeah, I don't think so." Tony looked over Stephen's shoulder and saw you. "Y/n, supervise Peter for me."

"Don't bring y/n into this, we're busy."

Tony scoffed, "busy doing what? Practicing for your next magic show?"

You decided to interfere before things escalated.

"Look, Tony, why can't someone else do it like...Happy or Thor or Nat?"

"Everyone else is either not home or busy. And I promised May I'd watch him."

You look at Stephen. "I mean, it's probably be fine if he just stayed here."

"Look, it doesn't really matter. Be creative, just keep your eye on him, okay, I got to go." Tony said, starting to walk away.

Peter was left, looking as surprised as the both of you were.

"Wait, Mr. Stark." Peter called, starting to go after him.

"Ah, ah, Peter, stay." Tony ordered. "Stay with Y/n and Dr. Strange, I'll be back at 4."

The car Tony got into drove off, and Peter stood in front of you two.

"I'm, um...I'm sorry, I'll go and you just tell Mr. Stark I was here the whole time."

"Great idea." Stephen said, smiling.

"Except for the part where it's not, because Tony can just check and see that he's alone."

"So?" Stephen asked.

"So how would you like a longer visit next time?"

Stephen's face fell, but he agreed to let Peter come inside.

"So, Peter, what do you want to do?" You asked.

Peter thought about it for a bit. "The zoo has some new exhibits."

Stephen scoffed. "We are not—"

You elbowed him in the ribs. "That sounds like a good idea, I'm going to go get something, Stephen, come with me." You lied, dragging your boyfriend away.

"Do we really have to go to the zoo?" He asked.

"Would you rather have him running around here?"

"Okay, fine. We'll go."

You went back to the room where you had left Peter, and Stephen made a portal to an empty portion of the zoo.

"We're here." Stephen said, unamused as he walked through.

It didn't take long for Peter to be all over the place—there were several things he was really excited about, and was able to tell you a lot about the species, but others, he would talk about what made it interesting.

The zoo wasn't very big, but you ended up being there for 2 hours, and Stephen didn't bother hiding his waning patience.

"Okay. We're done. Let's go." He said, creating a portal back to the Sanctum.

"But Mr. Dr. Strange, we haven't seen the—"

"Peter." You interrupted, holding up your hand. He looked at you, confused, but you only shook your head.

This was the moment you had been waiting for—you knew what Peter was about to say, and you had suspected why Stephen was avoiding the subject.

"Why are we done, Stephen?"

"We've been here for 2 hours."

"But we haven't seen everything."

Stephen shot you a look.

"What?" You asked.


"Don't what?" You asked, though you knew he'd caught on. "I just don't think we've seen every animal."

Stephen sighed. "You said you wouldn't bring this up."

"Bring what up? I'm just saying we haven't seen all the exhibits."


"What are they called again?" You tapped your foot, pretending to think.

"Y/n, don't."

"Oh, come on Stephen, you know what I'm talking about." You insisted.

"Y/n is right, we haven't seen the—"

"Let him figure it out himself, Peter." You said, interrupting him again.

Stephen stared you down, but you stared back. You weren't leaving until you heard him say it—and eventually he caught on.

Stephen sighed. "The pen—"

"You can do it." You encouraged after he paused. He shot you a look.


"Thank you, that wasn't that hard."

He huffed. "Next time Tony needs someone to watch Peter, you're doing it by yourself." He said, walking in the direction of the penguins, requiring you and Peter to catch up to him.

When you actually got to the exhibit, Stephen hung back as always while Peter went up to the glass. You stayed back with Stephen, and leaned against him slightly.

"I love you." You whispered. Stephen only hummed in response. 

"I do." You insisted, kissing his cheek.

He looked at you for a moment before his lips turned to a mix between a genuine smile and a smirk. "I know."

You rolled your eyes, and started to walk towards the exhibit, but Stephen wrapped his arm around your waist before you could, and pulled you closer to him. 

Peter turned around right after this happened, but when he saw you being embraced, he quickly turned back around, and waited for your 'moment' to be over. 

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