School Au: Doing a Science Project With Them [Marvel]

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I guess this can be for any subject, but I mention science specifically a few times (though you can easily exchange it for whatever subject)


He messes around the whole time & constantly makes jokes, but somehow ends up getting all his work done perfectly
You don't interact much with him outside of the class, but he secretly liked working with you 7 the next time you have to partner up, he hovers around you awkwardly before turning to you, shrugging, and asking if you want to partner up with him as though it would not throw him way off if you said no

Shang Chi:

He wouldn't do it—or would do it very last minute. He would show up for class & excuse himself to the bathroom & come back 45 minutes later...and if there was a sub, he'd come back with a Slurpee (he lets you have some)
I see this two ways: either you go with him on all these adventures, because you are invited, & you end up partnering up for the rest of the year, even during independent work, or you kinda just go your separate ways but have a chill relationship


He didn't completely understand the instructions, and you two had to re-do it at least once
He sees the two of you as friends afterwards & wants you to sit with him at lunch (not an option btw, he'll drag you to his table if he has to) & wants to pair up with you next time


Pulls his own weight. If you don't pull yours, he would only do your work for you if it meant saving his grade, but he would 100% tell the teacher he did all of the work (and the teacher would believe him)
The two of you either get of entirely on the wrong foot, and the next time you need to partner up with someone he adamantly avoids looking in your direction, or he knows you'll do your work & makes eye contact with you & nods as soon as the teacher even suggests working with partners (but if it's optional, you'll probably end up working independently)


You two goof off the entire project—even if you don't usually do that, he'd somehow loop you into it. You start working two days before it is due, even though you told the teacher that it was almost done (like everyone else) and on the day you need to turn it in, you would go to the library before the class to finish it last minute
After just the one, you probably have a chill relationship, but


I feel like he'd either do all of the work, or none of the work—either way, he's passing the class with an A
Unless you put in effort, you don't have very much of a relationship afterwards. If you're known as more of the quiet kid, you'll always end up being paired together by default, and by the end of the year, you somehow become best friends

Peter Quill:

Doesn't understand the assignment—you keep trying to explain & he keeps saying he doesn't get it & after the 10th time he just shrugs and says he doesn't really care, then turns back to his friend and talks to the friend the entire time
You pray you don't end up with him as your partner next time you have to do a project with someone else

Peter Parker:

He keeps getting a bit side tracked, but he tries to make sure you understand, and if you aren't really interested, he'll try to find ways to make it interesting to you & will encourage you to keep working on it however works. If you're good tho, he'll just talk about a bunch of things while he works—he doesn't expect you to follow, but he'll just talk
If you have other classes, he'll probably talk to you a bit, or smile at you in the hallway just to be friendly


I feel like he'd be flirting for a bit, but you get an equation right or something, and he brings his friends over, and tells them that you're really smart, before he starts talking to them. He doesn't worry too much about grades, and you end up getting a C


He'd cheat. I know it's a project, but somehow, someway, he would cheat or find a way to cheat the system. Neither of you have to do any work & you get perfect scores


Not afraid to admit when there are things he doesn't get, but he'll also work through them, even if that gets him even more lost somehow. He'd joke around a bit & the next time you have a science project, he'd ask to be your partner, and probably sees you as his friend after this


He is actually pretty good at science & is very patient with you, he helps you with the project, and is honestly like a better version of the teacher
He'd see if you want to work together the next time, or ask if you want help with anything if science isn't your best subject


Probably ends up doing most of the work because he usually works by himself and doesn't really know how to split work evenly, or gauge how much of the work he should do vs you...I mean, he probably knows how to do it in theory, but in practice, it's difficult for him to not do more of the work—part of this is because he works a bit faster than you
If you help him with splitting the work evenly, you'll probably become friends quickly, but if you mess around he won't really want to work with you...he won't avoid you, he just won't be looking forward to it


I feel like he'd just do a normal human, he'd do his amount of work, and probably check in on why you didn't do something & make sure it wasn't because you were stuck or anything
This wouldn't really dictate his relationship with you in any way, to him, this is just another group project & he enjoys working in grounds regardless of how much weight he has to pull

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