6- The Beginning of a New Friendship

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*mentions abuse in final paragraphs*

After a very long conversation with the vampire coven, I learned all about their weird family.

Carlisle had been a vampire the longest, and he used to live with the Volturi; however, he hated the idea of killing humans, so he left and started killing animals instead. He later saved Edward from the Spanish flu, and he turned Esme sometime after. Carlisle and Esme got married, and they lived with Edward as their son. Then Carlisle saved Rosalie next, and she had Emmet turned. The two of them ended up getting together soon after. Sometime later, Alice, Noah, and Jasper showed up and joined the coven. They even explained their whole cover story of Hale's and Cullen's and all.

Their powers were a different story. Edward could hear everyone's thoughts, Jasper could feel and manipulate everyone's emotions, and Alice could see the current path any person was on and all possible other futures they could have depending on what decisions they make.

The longer we talked, the more relaxed we all became until the conversation just felt natural between all of us. Well as natural as it could be when I was trying to hide a lot from two of the supernatural beings who could read my every thought and feeling.

"But, doesn't my smell bother you?" I asked the group.

They all paused and exchanged glances before Alice replied, "Actually, no."

"I mean, you smell different," Esme started.

"But it's not like how the Quileutes smell at all," Carlisle said, finishing Esme's thought.

"Weird," I said, echoing what everyone was thinking.

Wonder why that is.

A chiming noise broke me out of my thoughts, causing me to look at the large clock on the wall. After seeing how late it was, I abruptly stood up, saying, "It's that late already? I should really get home."

Carlisle's eyes widened as he looked at the clock seeing the time. "Of course, I'm so sorry for keeping you so late. I didn't realize we'd have so much to talk about."

"Well, it happens."

"Why don't I drive you home," Emmet suggested. "Your backpack is still in my Jeep anyways. It's the least we could do after taking up your whole afternoon."

I paused, ready to decline, before deciding it would be better to get home sooner rather than later. "Sure."

Emmet got up with a smile on his face and walked toward the door. I followed him before stopping at the edge of the living room. I turned back toward the rest of the family with a slight smile on my face. "I'll see you guys at school tomorrow."

I got various replies, but Jasper's made me smile. "You should sit with us at lunch tomorrow."

"I might just take you up one that offer, Hale."

I turned away from the living room and followed Emmet out the front door. We both got into his Jeep and I gave him directions to my house. In my three years of living in Forks, I learned how to get anywhere from everywhere.

We didn't really talk much as Emmet drove, but as we pulled up to my street, he said, "you know, you seem like a pretty cool person. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

"Thanks, Emmet. I have a feeling you're right."

He sent me a cocky smile as he pulled up in front of my house. I got out of his car and grabbed my backpack. "See you tomorrow, Emmet!"

"See you tomorrow, dog girl."

I slammed his door shut, causing him to laugh before he drove down the street. I walked up to my front door and entered my house. As soon as the door shut behind me, I could hear my dad yelling at me.

"Is that you, Emma?" He yelled through the house.

I dropped my backpack by the front door and followed the sound of his voice to our living room. "Yeah, it's me." As I entered the living room, I saw both my parents glaring at me. "S..sorry. I got caught up with the new kids in town. They needed help finding where their dad worked." I don't know where that lie came from in my brain, but I hoped it would help my situation.

"That is not a good enough excuse. You've gone three years with no friends. Why would you act friendly toward strangers all of a sudden?" My mom's cold voice cut deep within my calm exterior and shook me to the core.

"You are a stupid child." My dad's simple words were followed by a hard punch to my gut. Instead of dealing with problems with words, my parents preferred violence.

Just because I was used to it didn't mean it hurt any less.

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