86- The Day Before

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The day before the wedding, Alice was overbearing. Every detail had to be perfect, and everyone in our family was ready for Alice to stop decorating.

"Alice, it looks perfect," I told her, hoping to get her to stop. "Let everyone take a break."

"Emma," she told me, "you are the only one who actually needs rest. They are fine."

I followed the girl as she continued to give everyone commands about where to move things. I really did think it looked finished, so I didn't understand why she was still moving things.

"Alice, everyone will be here in 10 minutes for the rehearsal. I think it's time to stop." Noah's words were the only thing that could get through to Alice, and she finally stopped arranging things around the yard.

I left to find Jasper, who was hanging out with Emmet and Rosalie. As I walked up to them, their conversation stopped, and they sent me worried glances.

"Did Alice send you to yell at us?" Emmet asked quietly.

"No, actually," I told him, laughing at his worry. "Noah told her to stop decorating, and she listened. I came over here to get you in time for the rehearsal, so Alice doesn't freak out about that."

"Then we should probably go," Rosalie said, standing up with Emmet. The two of them headed to the house to meet with everyone else.

Jasper stood up and walked up to me, giving me a hug. "You left me alone with Alice," I told him, wrapping my arms around him.

"That's only because I'm going to be stuck with her all night after you fall asleep," he told me, laughing at my pouting. "But I am sorry I left you alone."

"Come on," I told him, pulling away and dragging him by his hand. "We have a rehearsal to get through."

We all gathered in the house as Sam, Quill, Embry, Paul, and Seth showed up. Everyone said hi to each other, and Seth ran over and hugged Jasper and me.

"You still sure you want me up there?" Seth asked, looking up at Jasper. He was a mess of nerves, and he didn't want Jasper or I to be mad at him.

"Positive," Jasper told him, soothing his worries. We both were happy Seth would be in the wedding, and nothing would change that.

Everyone slowly made their way outside as Alice told everyone where they were supposed to go and what they were supposed to do.

"Alice," Jasper said, looking at his sister. "I feel ridiculous walking down the entire aisle by myself."

"Man up and walk," she told him, ready to fight.

"But you made it so long. It feels awkward."

I laughed at the two as they continued to fight, realizing this rehearsal would take a long time. There were way too many opinionated people, and Alice would fight every one of them until things went her way.

After a few minutes of arguing, Jasper came up with a good solution. "Why don't I walk down the aisle with Esme, like Carlisle is going to do with Emma."

"What a wonderful idea, Jasper," I yelled out, making it so Alice couldn't say no.

Esme was happy to do whatever, and the two of them finally walked down the aisle, officially starting our rehearsal wedding. Esme sat down in her seat as Jasper stood in the front.

"See how much better that was?" Jasper called out, making me laugh even harder at him.

Next, Noah and Rosalie walked down as my Maid of Honor and Jasper's Best Man. They were followed by Edward, Emmet, Seth, Alice, Bree, and Emily. As soon as they all got up there, I could hear Emmet and Edward talking to Jasper about including Esme. We could all see her smile had gotten brighter after that, and I felt bad not thinking about including her before.

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