94- Adoption

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As we started working with Charlie to adopt Seth, we talked with Tanya about Irina. She told us that Irina had gone back to Alaska with Garret, Carmen, and Kate. They had decided that that was the best idea while Tanya stayed with Charlie to get to know him. Much to my surprise, Tanya had also told Charlie about vampires and wolves, which proved to provide a strange conversation when we showed up at his house.

"Did you know they were vampires when they adopted you?" Charlie asked me, glaring at Jasper.

"Yes, I did, Charlie. And I wanted to be a part of their family. Stop glaring at Jasper and help me adopt Seth." My words made Charlie look back down at the documents we were working on.

We had already explained everything that was happening, and he agreed that Seth should be taken out of Sue's care and started helping us fill out adoption paperwork. We did all we needed to do for both Seth and Leah, planning on asking her if she wanted to be out of Sue's care as well, but we were not going to make her do anything either.

Charlie, Jasper, Seth, and I made a trip to the Rez once all the paperwork was dealt with on our end. We needed to see what Leah wanted to do, then get Sue to sign the papers giving them up. That meant our first stop was Sam's house, where Leah spent all her time.

Sam opened the door, confused to see Charlie behind us. "What's up?" he asked, not understanding what would ever require Seth and Charlie for the same thing.

"Can we talk to Leah?" I asked him, hoping he would let us in.

"Yeah, sure. She's in the living room." He opened the door and let the four of us in.

We made our way into the living room, where everyone was hanging out, including Bella and Jacob. As soon as Bella saw Charlie, she jumped up quickly and walked over to him, assuming we were there about her.

"Charlie!" She yelled, still surprising me that she never called him dad. "What's going on?
Is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah," he replied, giving her a small hug. "We're actually here to talk to Leah for a second about something. And I know you're spending time with Jacob because he wants to imprint on you, don't worry about it."

His last sentence caused everyone to look at me in either confusion or anger. "You told him?" Bella asked me incredulously.

"I didn't tell him anything," I countered. "That happened because of Tanya, and it happened while I was gone."

While we were talking, Seth walked over to Leah and pulled her outside to talk. I continued to tell Bella about Tanya and Charlie, letting the two siblings have a moment to themselves to talk about their mom.

"Are you joking?!" Leah yelled, storming back into the house. "You're going to adopt him?! Our mom is just fine, thank you very much!"

"Leah," Seth came running in behind her, not wanting a fight. "I asked her to do it."

The young girl stopped two feet in front of me, anger receding from her, so I decided to speak up. "You don't have to do it. I just wanted to let you know it was an option."

"You would adopt me?" She asked, shocked that I was saying such a thing. "There was a while where I hated you."

"I know," I told her, "but if you wanted it, I would be more than willing to adopt you."

"I don't want to."

I could tell her mind was made up, and that was fine. We all said goodbye and made our way from Sam's house to Sue's house.

"You cannot come in here!" She was adamant that Jasper and I could not go in her house no matter what.

"Sue, open the door. Either you sign these papers releasing Seth from your custody, or we will have to take this to trial, where you will lose." Charlie knew what to say to get us out of the situation the fastest.

"They cannot come into the house!" She yelled back.

"We won't," Jasper told her, trying to get her to cooperate.

She finally opened the door, glared at Jasper and me, and let Seth and Charlie into her house. She didn't consider the fact that we could still hear her, so we listened in with ease.

"Seth, just stay here with me, and let's move past this," Sue said.

Seth just repeated what Charlie had said earlier. "Either you sign these papers now, or we'll go through a trial where you will lose."

"Sue, just sign the papers," Charlie sighed, already fed up with this.

There was a pause before Sue continued. "Seth, I don't trust them."

"You just don't like that they're vampires," Seth countered, causing Sue to gasp loudly.

"I know Sue," Charlie told her.

"You know?!" She yelled. "And you still think he should go with them?"

"I do!" He yelled back. "Now, please just sign the papers so we can be done with this."

There was a shuffling around in silence before Seth and Charlie walked back out of the house. Seth had a duffel bag around his shoulder and a huge smile on his face.

"We're all set," Charlie told us. "He's officially your son."

"Come on, kid," I said, throwing my arm around his shoulders and pulling him close. "It's time to go home."

We made our way back to the house, where Alice met us with one more surprise.

"Alice, what is going on?" Jasper asked the bouncing girl.

"We've been working on something for you, and now is the perfect time for the surprise." Alice was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement, and there was no way to deter her.

We let her lead the three of us into the woods in a direction I had never gone. There was nothing over that way, so I never bothered. We rounded a corner, and I was astounded.

"Alice, what is this?" I asked.

"It's your new home," she replied, a smile on her face.

In front of us was a beautiful stone house with all our family standing out front. I looked at Carlisle with an as confused look.

"You're always welcome at our house," Carlisle told me, "but we thought you might like a place of your own everyone once in a while."

"You'll love it," Rosalie told me, "and we all helped with it."

Alice led us into the house, where she gave us a tour of every room. There was a living room and a kitchen upfront that Alice glossed over before showing the three of us our rooms.

"This is your room," she told us, opening the door to a huge room with a huge bed in the middle. The room was very light and spacious, with lots of empty shelves for us to fill with nonsense. I could tell some of our stuff from the house had been moved over, but not all of it.

"It's beautiful, Allie," I told her, hugging her.

"Up next is Seth's room." She showed us his room, which was right next to ours. The walls were a dark blue, and there were random details around the room that made me realize how much everyone had been paying attention to what Seth liked and didn't like.

"I love it," he yelled, running in and setting his bag down.

"Why don't you settle in?" Jasper suggested.

Seth agreed, and as he began to unpack his bag, we made our way back to the living room, but a room across from ours caught my attention.

I stopped at the doorway to see the whole room painted light pink with very few decorations up. The only furniture in the room was a rocking chair, making me confused about what the room was for.

"Hey, Alice? What is this room for?" Jasper asked, just as confused as I was.

"I'm not sure," she answered honestly. "I just knew what it needed to look like, but I haven't figured out why you need it yet."

"Weird," I mumbled, quickly dismissing the thought from my mind.

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