103- The Volturi in Forks

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"What would cause Irina to go to Volterra?" Rosalie asked, not liking what was happening.

Everyone's eyes turned to me as Jasper's arms tightened around me.

"Literally anything she saw me do," I said, replaying our conversation. "I'm a half-wolf, half-vampire. We're friends with the wolves, vampires' natural enemies. We also have a child, something that should not happen."

"So we're screwed?" Esme asked, looking up at Carlisle.

"No, Aro wouldn't do something so rash," Carlisle replied.

"He also loves Emma," Edward said, remembering the last time we were in Volterra.

"So, maybe we'll be okay," Jasper suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

We were left without an answer or a clue as to what the Volturi would do.

After a long conversation, we decided that Jasper, Seth, Charlotte, Emmet, Rosalie, Bree, and I would go back to our smaller house to give Alice space to try and see what The Volturi were doing without leaving us with no protection. We all knew if it came down to it, Jasper and I could hold our own. It was Seth and Charlotte we were all worried about.

Even with the space, Alice couldn't see what was coming or why they had decided to come. She knew it had something to do with Irina, but we didn't know if they were coming to talk or to fight. We decided to have a plan for both possibilities.

Carlisle called down the Denalis, who came without a moment to spare. Tanya and Charlie came over as soon as they heard, and Charlie offered up his gun as protection even though we all knew it wouldn't do much harm.

Eleazar, Carmen, and Kate came with a surprise guest, Garret. He was a nomad who had been wandering around for years before running into the Denalis and liking our way of living. He was an interesting man to meet, but he clearly liked Kate, which helped Tanya trust him.

Even with the Denalis coming down, it didn't feel like anything was happening. Then Alice had a vision that changed everything.

"They're coming two days after Christmas."

With a simple sentence, the truth came crashing down around us. The Volturi were coming to Forks. While it seemed we would never understand why, we had to be prepared.

The Denalis had agreed to stay no matter what happened immediately. We all wanted to avoid a fight if we could, but we would be ready for one of it to happen.

The next important conversation was with the pack. Edward, Jasper, and I ventured onto the Rez while everyone else stayed with Seth and Charlotte at the house. While Seth probably should have been a part of the pack conversation, we were trying to keep him out of it as much as possible. He didn't need to know how serious things were if he didn't have to.

Sam was surprised to see we had brought Edward with us, but it also made him realize that whatever was happening was severe.

We all sat down in Sam's backyard, not really fitting in his living room. It also left room for someone to spontaneously phase if they got too emotional. While no one said the last reason out loud, we all knew it was an important reason not to be in the house.

"Emma, what's going on?" Sam's question cut straight to the chase.

"The Volturi are coming to Forks," I told them, not wanting to beat around the bush.

Their reactions were varied. Sam and Nathan knew the most about The Volturi, and they were not happy with this information. Everyone else knew The Volturi were generally bad and could tell that this was not a good thing to have happen.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"We're not sure," Edward said, wanting to help the conversation.

"You're not sure?!" Jacob yelled, standing up. "You have a girl who can see into the future, and you're not sure!" He was on the verge of phasing, but I wasn't sure why. He had gotten really angry really fast.

I could feel Edward and Jasper getting ready to stand up and fight him for insulting Alice, but I honestly didn't have the time to deal with them. I grabbed both of their arms, holding them down while I told Jacob, "Just relax. It's way more complicated than that."

Bella grabbed Jacob's arm, pulling him down. He immediately leaned into her touch as he tried to calm himself down. I sent calming waves toward him in hopes it would help.

"You'll have to explain more," Quill said, not understanding who The Volturi were.

"The Volturi are the kings of the vampire world," I answered, not trusting Edward or Jasper to talk right now. "They decide a lot of things, and they have a lot of rules. Technically, we've broken most of them, and we're dangerous. While we don't know for sure if they are coming to fight or talk, we're preparing for both just in case."

No one spoke for a moment as they took in the information. Surprisingly, Nathan was the first to speak. "Emma, you can't be serious about fighting them. No one has ever won against them."

"Why do you know so much about The Volturi?" Sam asked him, still not completely trusting the boy from my old pack.

"Sam, it's not his fault," I said, trying to deflect blame. "Our old alpha was obsessed with them, always hoping for a day we could go up against them and win."

"He's not wrong, though," Jasper said, looking up at Sam. "No one has won against them, but we might stand a chance with all of us. We wouldn't be here asking you guys if we didn't think it was right."

"I don't question you, Jasper," Sam said, taking charge. "We'll be there with you, whether it's for a conversation or a fight."

"Thank you, Sam," I said, releasing some stress I had that he would say no.

"Of course," he replied. "Now, why don't we go inside and talk about what exactly might happen."

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