101- Costumes

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October 31st was a special day for many reasons, and getting to dress up for Halloween was the most important. We were all excited since it was Charlotte's first holiday, and it felt right that it was Halloween.

There was going to be a massive party on the Rez that we were all invited to, as well as Charlie and Tanya. It was going to be a full-out rager, and we all were excited to dress up and just have fun for a night.

I was helping Jasper put on the finishing touches of his costume as he put on his cowboy hat. "I can't wait to see what the others do," he told me, smiling at our reflection in the mirror.

"I'm sure a few of them outdid themselves," I told him. "They always do. I'm mostly excited to see what Mom and Dad do."

"They are a wildcard. Now put on your hat."

The two of us finished getting ready before heading into our living room to find Seth and Charlotte in full costume.

"You two are adorable," I said, looking down at their matching costumes.

Seth gasped as he saw us walk in, "You guys are Woody and Jessie!"

He was right, of course. Jasper and I had leaned into the cowboy idea Emmet gave us and decided to go as Woody and Jessie from Toy Story. I had a feeling there would be a lot of Disney costumes since we had been watching it a lot recently with Charlotte.

Seth had obviously picked the costume idea for him and Charlotte to wear, but it was perfect. Seth was dressed in a full Ash Ketchum costume, and Charlotte was dressed as Charmander.

"Do you have everything?" I asked the two, grabbing my phone off the table so we could leave. "We will be late to the family's house, and Esme wants to take photos."

"We're ready!" Charlotte said, excitedly getting up and waiting by the door.

The four of us made our way to the family house, where Emmet opened the door to greet us. He quickly looked over our costumes, yelling excitedly as he saw what we were wearing. "You're Charmander!" He said, smiling down at Charlotte. The two had grown close over Pokémon, and now Emmet was obsessed.

"You're Mario?" Jasper asked, laughing at the absurdity of his costume.

"Oh, just wait till you see the others," he told us, letting us in.

We made our way to the living room, where we saw the entire Mario Party. "Who's ideas was this?" I asked, walking in.

Everyone turned to look at us, giving me a full view of all their costumes. Rosalie was dressed up at Peach, and she looked stunning like she always does. Noah and Alice were also involved in this dress-up idea, wearing Luigi and Daisy costumes to complete the group of four.

Rosalie answered my question, "It was Emmet and Noah."

"I've never seen this much enthusiasm from you guys ever," Jasper said. "What's up?"

"We have a bet with the pack on who will dress the best." Noah said, matter of factly. "And we need to win."

"We will win," Edward said, walking in with Bree.

We all turned to see the two in full costume. "Did Bree pick it?" I asked, shocked Edward was dressed as he was.

"Bree picked it," he said, smiling on his face.

The two were dressed as Belle and Adam from Beauty and The Beast. Bree was in a stunning yellow ball gown, while Edward was in a formal tux with intricate designs.

"You four look ridiculous," Bree told the Mario Party.

"We know," Rosalie said, smiling at Emmet, who was messing around with Noah.

"Are we just missing Esme and Carlisle?" Alice asked, looking around.

"We're here."

We all turned around, surprised at what they were wearing. "Did we do okay?" Esme asked, not wanting to disappoint Emmet and Noah.

"You guys did awesome!" Emmet yelled. "We're winning for sure!"

Carlisle and Esme were dressed up exactly like Luke and Lea from Star Wars, lightsabers and all.

"Oh, everyone looks so cute!" Esme gushed. "Can we please take pictures before we leave?"

Everyone immediately told her yes, knowing how badly she wanted photos. We all gathered around and took various group photos before making our way to the Rez in three cars. Our family was officially big enough to need three cars to get somewhere.

I was leading the line of cars in Jasper's car when I decided, "I think we just need to buy a huge van to drive us all around."

"I think you might be right," Jasper told me.

We arrived at the Rez and pulled out, seeing everyone already hanging out.

"Emma!" Sam yelled, running over to hug us. "You guys look incredible."

"So do you," I told him, laughing slightly at his costume choice. He was dressed as Superman, and after a quick look around, I saw Emily was dressed as Supergirl.

The rest of the pack ran over to greet everyone and to compare costumes to see who did it the best.

Paul and Rachel came over first, and the two of them were dressed as The Incredibles. Embry and Kim were dressed up as pirates, while Leah and Nathan were dressed as very convincing-looking zombies. Quill and Claire came over dressed as Pooh and Piglet, and they immediately started talking with Seth and Charlotte about random stuff. The last to come over were Jacob and Bella, who weren't in a costume.

"We for sure win," Emmet said, looking at everyone. "We all dressed up."

"It's not our fault Jacob's a party pooper," Paul complained. "The rest of us dressed up perfectly."

"Why are you all arguing?" Charlie suddenly asked, making us all turn and look at him and Tanya, who had snuck up at some point.

"Oh my goodness," Bella mumbled, clearly embarrassed by her dad.

"Charlie, you've got to be kidding me," I said, laughing at how absurd he looked.

"What?" He asked. "You like my costume?"

Charlie and Tanya were dressed up as classic vampires, wearing long cloaks and fake fangs.

"I think Charlie wins," Emmet said, loving that he dressed up like that, knowing we were coming.

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