12- Cheif Swan

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As Jasper and I made our way back into the house, I felt Jasper tense slightly beside me. "Someone's here," he told me.

We walked through the house, making our way to the living room, where I saw the whole family gathered around Chief Swan. He was a local police officer, but I didn't understand why he was there.

"Oh, Emma, Jasper, there you are." Carlisle's words caused Chief Swan to turn and look at us as we entered the room. "Chief Swan here has some rather unfortunate news." As Carlisle spoke, he gave me a weird look.

I could tell he was trying to get some information across to me, but I could not figure out what it could be. I also had no idea what Chief Swan could have to talk to me about. I decided to look over at him to see if he would fill me in.

He saw me look at him before he told me, "Maybe you should take a seat."

I did as he told me, and Jasper and I sat down on the couch next to each other. I could feel Jasper wrap his arms around my waist, and I unconsciously leaned into him slightly.

"Emma," Chief Swan began, "there was an accident at your house a couple of days ago."

I tried to think back to anything that could have happened a couple of days ago as I locked eyes with Edward. At that moment, I realized this must have something to do with whatever Edward did to my parents when they saved me.

I tried to find the right words before deciding on asking, "What kind of accident?"

Chief Swan took a deep breath, glanced over to Jasper once, looked back at me, and said, "Your parents were killed."

I took a sharp breath.

That was not what I was expecting him to tell me. While I didn't really think too hard about what Edward had done to my parents, I didn't think he had killed them. The weird thing was, as I glanced at Edward in a panic, I could see his eyes widen in surprise as well. I looked at Carlisle, hoping his response could help me understand, but he seemed genuinely shocked at Chief Swan's words.

I felt Jasper's arms tighten slightly around me, reminding me that I was safe. Whatever had happened, we would deal with it together.

I looked at Chief Swan again, realizing I should probably say something in response to his statement. "Oh," was all I managed to get out.

"We think they died on December 25th, but Carlisle told us you were here that day, so I know you don't actually know what happened. Now, I know this is a lot to take in, and it might take a while for it to sink in, but you need somewhere to stay." Chief Swan's words were met with a quick response.

"She can stay here," Carlisle said confidently. "Of course, if she would like to."

I looked up at Carlisle before giving a slight nod and saying, "Yeah."

Chief Swan took this as a good sign. He said, "Then that's settled. I'll head out now to give you some time to process, but I'll come back soon to talk to you about what happens next."

I nodded once in response to Chief Swan, but no words came out of my mouth. I could feel Jasper pull me closer to him in an attempt to comfort me as Carlisle showed Chief Swan out. I could feel Jasper trying to bring my mood up, but I honestly just felt numb.

December 25th, my parents almost killed me on Christmas. I missed Christmas all together. How did I manage to not realize the date?

I saw Edward give me a sad look. Before I could think on it more, Carlisle reentered the room, and all attention turned to me.

"Emma," Edward started saying. "I swear I did not kill them."

I nodded at his words, not processing them. Even if he did kill my parents, I wouldn't be mad at him. He was trying to protect me, and I would always be thankful for that.

I took a deep breath, looked up at Carlisle, and asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know," he responded. "Alice saw a couple of nomads around us in the past week. My best guess is one of them smelt all the blood and couldn't help themselves." His eyes softened as he spoke, knowing I was dealing with a lot. "I really am sorry you have to deal with this."

"It's not your fault, don't apologize." I leaned more into Jasper as he held me safely in his arms.

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