39- A Problem

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The following day I decided not to go to school, and Sam understood why. I didn't want to deal with Bella or any member of the Cullen clan for one more day. I just needed a minute to cool off. That aching feeling that I started feeling the day before continued on, making my heart hurt. Even when the pack came over and played games with me to distract me, all I was thinking about was how much I wanted to go home. The Rez was excellent and all, but it wasn't home. I figured I would go back the next day whether Jasper and Edward were there or not.

My plans changed when I got a text from Edward asking me to meet him at the edge of the Rez. As angry as I was with him, I still wanted to see him and see what he wanted. I figured I could make amends and maybe even go home that night instead of the following day.

As I made my way to the edge of the Rez, I was focused on where I was stepping instead of where I was going. This meant that when I passed the treaty line and finally looked up, I was shocked at who stood in front of me.

Jasper didn't look good at all, and I knew he had spent the last few days beating himself up about Bella's birthday. His face was somehow paler, and his eyes had a hollow look to them.

"Jasper." I took a step toward him, only for him to take two back.

"Just wait," he told me, his voice breaking as he spoke. "I need to tell you something important." He wouldn't look me in the eyes as he spoke.

"Whatever is it, it's going to be okay, Jasper," I told him.

"We're leaving."

"Okay, let me get my stuff from Sam's, and we can leave."

I turned to go back into the Rez, but Jasper stopped me by saying, "No."

I turned back to face him. "What do you mean, no?"

"I meant, we as in not you."

I scrunched my face up in confusion as I looked at the boy I loved. "Why not me? What is going on?"

"Edward thinks it's best if we leave."

"Because of Bella, right?" I asked him. "What does that have to do with me not coming? Is Edward still mad at me?"

"No," he told me. "It's because I don't want you to come." His voice was cracking even more now, and I thought about what he was saying. He wasn't telling me the truth, and that hurt.

"Jasper, what are you talking about?"

"Please, Emma." He finally looked me in the eyes. I could feel pain radiating off him, and his eyes were progressively getting darker. "Please just let me leave without asking all the questions."

I took a step toward him, wanting to comfort him. "What aren't you telling me?"

"I don't love you anymore!"

But that wasn't it. I could tell that he was straight-up lying, but I could not figure out about what. What had happened at home that the family needed to leave and I couldn't know about it?

"Jasper, I know you well enough to know you're lying. You and I are connected." I took another step toward him. "Is this about what Edward told me before I left?"

He sighed at my words as his shoulders sagged. He was putting a front, trying to act one way when something else was bothering him. "Emma," he started to say before being cut off.


Both Jasper and I turned to see Edward standing nearby. He had been the one to stop Jasper from telling me about whatever was going on. As I looked at Edward, he glared at Jasper, making him completely stop talking.

"Edward," I said. "What is going on?"

Edward looked away from Jasper and straight at me. "Now that you've befriended the Quileutes, we've decided we don't want a stupid mutt in our family anymore."

His words were harsh and spoken with authority. He meant what he said, as much as he did the last time he told me that.

I could feel tears starting to gather in my eyes again. I had never felt so betrayed in my entire life. When I left my old pack, it was because they had always hated me. This time I was being forced out of a family I thought cared for me.

I guess I was wrong.

"Let's go, Jasper." Edward's words were final. They were leaving now.


"No," Edward yelled, cutting Jasper off once again.

I looked from Edward to Jasper as his eyes met mine. He was just as upset about this as I was, but he wasn't doing anything to stop Edward. Maybe our relationship isn't what I thought it was.

"Let's go." Edward turned around and ran away from us, leaving Jasper and me alone for two solid seconds.

"You promised me forever," I told him.

Jasper looked at me one last time before saying, "I'm sorry," and taking off into the forest.

As his figure retreated, I finally felt the weight of what had just happened. The aching feeling in my chest turned into a hole being ripped out of my heart. I felt hurt, betrayed, devastated, and every other negative feeling I hadn't felt during that conversation. I realized Jasper had been controlling my mood; how often had he done that to me without me knowing?

I ran through our conversation in my head quickly as one thought popped into my mind, the rest of the family.

I ran as fast as I could straight to the house, hoping maybe they hadn't left yet. I ran without caution, tripping over branches and rocks without a care, just trying to get back home.

As I ran up to the house, I couldn't see a single car. "No," I said as I pushed open the already unlocked front door. There were no one. Not a footstep, not a tv, not a sound. I ran through the house, up the stairs, and to my room. As I did, I could tell all the important decorations were missing. Every photo or memory of the Cullens was gone. I made it to my door and pushed it open only to see the truth.

All of Jasper's stuff was gone. All his clothes, books, music, photos; everything was gone.

Right then and there, I finally broke down into tears.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now