62- Best Day Ever

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The day my life got better started out like any other. Edward picked up Bella, and we all made our way to school. My school day was fairly normal up until lunch. During lunch, Bella made a daring move.

"Bella, please don't," Edward begged.

I looked up to see Bella walking straight toward us with her tray of food. Edward was trying to pull her away from us, but she was determined. There were two empty seats next to me where Rosalie and Emmet used to sit, and Bella decided to sit in the one closest to me.

"Hello," she said way to cheerily.

"Bella, please." Edward stood behind her, hoping she would change her mind.

"Edward relax," she told him, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

At this, I felt Jasper tense next me to slightly. While he was good at handling his thirst, Bella being this close and with Edward nearby, he would have to focus harder and be more deliberate with his breathing. I took his hand in mine, squeezing it slightly to let him know he was okay.

Edward sent a look to Jasper, wanting to make sure he was okay. "It's fine, Edward," Jasper told him gently.

Besides, I want to see what's up with her.

Begrudgingly, Edward sat down next to Bella.

"So," Bella said, turning to face me. "Tell me, what's up with the pack?"

"Umm... nothing. They're the same as always, though Paul, Quill, and Embry have found their imprints," I told her, confused as to what she was asking.

"Good, good," she replied, not really listening to what I was saying. "Look, I really came over here because I wanted to apologize. I'm sure I have been overreacting lately, and I wanted to hang out altogether to try and patch things up."

"That sounds lovely," Alice said, probably trying to be nice to her.

"I was thinking we could all hang out after school today. The others can come too if they're in town."

"I'm pretty sure they're still on their trip," I lied to her, knowing full well that Rosalie would like nothing to do with this.

"Well then, it'll just have to be us," Bella said, undeterred. The bell rang, letting us know lunch was over. "Alright, I'll see you after school." She stood up and walked away without another word.

"That was the weirdest thing she's ever done," Edward said quietly before following her out.

"I can't wait to see how badly whatever she has planned goes," I told Jasper.

"That's why you're so excited right now?" he asked, definitely reading my emotions.

"Oh, for sure."

Then after school, as Bella had requested, we all met up in the parking lot. She got in Edward's car while we got in Jasper's. Bella gave Edward directions while we followed. Before long, we ended up in a random part of the woods. If we were all normal people, I would have suggested that I thought Bella was trying to lure us away to kill us.

We got out of our cars, eager to see whatever Bella had planned. She made us gather around like children before she started to speak.

"I wanted to bring you all here because this is a special place for Edward and I," Bella said to us all as if we cared. "We used to spend a lot of time here before you all left, and I think it's a perfect place for us all to come closer together. I know you all don't think the world of me, and I'm hoping to change that. But first...." Bella trailed off as she reached her hand in her pocket and pulled out a small box.

Alice sharply inhaled as Edward sent a wide-eyed look to her. Whatever Bella was about to do was going to be insane based on their reactions, and I was ready for it.

Then she knelt down on one knee and opened the small box to reveal a ring made of twigs.

I gasped in utter surprise as Jasper wrapped his arms around me. He placed his hand over my mouth so I couldn't say anything that ruined this perfectly absurd moment.

We all knew Edward hated Bella almost as much as we did, and I could not wait for this to go south.

"Bella," Edward said, hoping to stop her.

But Bella had other plans. "Edward, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest woman on earth and marrying me?"

Everyone sat in silence for a moment as we stared at the insanity that was happening.

Bella was kneeling in the dirt, holding a small box with a twig ring in it, and the craziest smile I have ever seen on her face. Edward was staring down at her with wide eyes and his hand over his mouth in shock. Jasper, Alice, Noah, and I were frozen, unable to do anything to fix the problem and unable to look away from the disaster unfolding before our eyes.

And then Edward said the fateful words, "Bella, no."

Her whole face dropped as she looked up at him. "What do you mean no? We have to get married. We're soul mates."

"No, Bella. You're my blood singer, not my mate." Edward glanced over at us, realizing we were still there, before whispering, "Can you guys go so we can talk?"

We all quickly made our way back to Jasper's car without saying a word. We drove to the house in silence, not able to process what just happened. We got home and walked into the house, where Esme could tell something was wrong with us immediately.

"What's going on," she asked us.

"Bella proposed to Edward, and he said no!" I yelled, unable to keep it in a second longer. "And I'm pretty sure they're going to break up!"

There was a small amount of celebrating between us as we realized we might not have to deal with Bella anymore. It only lasted a few minutes before we heard Edward's car pull up to the house.

He walked into the house silently. He saw us all waiting for him, eager to hear what happened. One simple sentence made us the happiest we had been in a while. He smiled ever so slightly. 

"I broke up with her."

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