100- You Nicknamed My Daughter?

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As days started to pass, we realized something important; Charlotte was growing faster than normal. We expected it based on how fast she grew in my stomach, but it was still surprising.

We had introduced her to everyone on the Rez, resulting in Seth getting teased for finally imprinting. Everyone loved that he would be an older brother to her like Quill was with Claire. She also met Charlie and Tanya, who told the rest of the Denalis to come down and meet her. Everyone but Irina came because she was still upset about the wolves being friends with us even though I was half wolf.

As days turned into a few weeks, October was slowly coming to an end. We had moved back into our house but came to the family house every day to hang out and for Carlisle to track Charlotte's growth. It was during one of these random hanging-out days that I learned an interesting thing about Seth and Charlotte's sibling relationship.

Charlotte looked to be around 2, and she and Seth were playing with random toys on the floor while Emmet and Noah, and I were playing a video game. Jasper had gone hunting with Edward, Alice, and Carlisle while the rest of us stayed to watch Charlotte.

"You are cheating. I know you are," Emmet muttered, upset that I was beating him.

"You're just a sore loser," Noah told him.

Charlotte's laughter caused the three of us to glance over at the two on the floor. Seth had knocked over a tower of blocks, making the younger girl laugh. I smiled at the two before turning my attention back to the game, along with Emmet and Noah.

That was until Seth muttered, "You're adorable little Charmander."

The three of us froze, the game long forgotten, as we looked at Seth in confusion. He looked at Charlotte as he spoke, but I had never heard him call her that. We had come up with many nicknames in the short time Charlotte had been with us: Charlie, Lottie, CJ, Jass, but no one had ever called her that.

"Seth?" I asked, gaining his attention. "What did you just call her?"

"Charmander?" he suggested, not quite sure what I was talking about even though I thought it was very obvious what I was talking about.

"Did you nickname my daughter after a Pokémon?" I asked, not understanding what was happening.

"Well, we were watching Pokémon on the TV at home," Seth said, beginning his longer than necessary explanation. "And she was excited when Charmander came on the screen. It was so similar to her name that it made me laugh that she liked that one the best. I told her I would call her Charmander as a joke, but now she really likes it."

Emmet started laughing before I could even react. "That's incredible!" Emmet yelled, loving the new nickname.

"I am confused on so many levels," Noah said, looking at the two kids in confusion.

Emmet suddenly got very serious as he looked at Noah. "Do you know what Pokémon is?" Emmet asked, deadly serious.

"I have no idea what that is," Noah answered cautiously, aware that Emmet was about to explode.

Emmet did explode. "What?!" he yelled, startling Charlotte on the floor. She turned around to watch as Emmet went on a speech about Pokémon, Ash, Pikachu, and anything related to Pokémon.

As he continued to lecture Noah, Charlotte crawled along the floor over to me, reaching up to be held. I picked her up, bringing her close as she reached her hand out toward my face. Her hand rested on my face as I saw a memory of her and Seth watching the show in our living room. She removed her hand, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Hey, Emmet," I said, silencing his ranting. "Charlotte suggests we just show him the show."

"What a great idea!" He yelled, coming over and picking her up from my arms. "We can show Uncle Noah what he's missing out on."

"Emmet, be careful," Seth warned, not trusting Emmet's chaos not to drop her.

"I am being careful," Emmet shot back, sitting down on the couch with Charlotte.

Seth joined me on the couch as Emmet pulled up the first episode of the Pokémon show. The four of us sat in silence, watching the show for what felt like hours. At some point, everyone who was in the house joined us, and we had an entire living room of immortal adults watching Pokémon.

That's how Jasper, Alice, Edward, and Carlisle found us when they got home.

"What is going on?" Carlisle asked, not understanding how we were all in the living room watching the same thing.

"We're watching Pokémon," Noah said. He looked over at Alice as she walked in. "Why have I never watched this before?"

"Because you're not a child," she told him, joining him on the couch.

Jasper walked around the couch, kissing me briefly, before sitting next to me. "So, how did this come about?" He asked.

"Seth came up with a new nickname for Charlotte," I told him, already eager for Jasper to hear it.

"And what was it?" Jasper asked, looking at Seth.

"I called her Charmander," he mumbled, not looking at Jasper.

"Apparently, your daughter loves Pokémon," Emmet said, not taking his eyes off the TV. "And I can't blame her. This is an incredible show."

Everyone settled down as we made it to the end of the show, where they played a game where you guessed the Pokémon.

"Who's that Pokémon?"

"It's Pikachu!" Emmet yelled out, sure of himself.

"It's Clefairy!" Charlotte yelled, surprising everyone with her tiny voice. Charlotte didn't talk often, but when she did, it made everyone smile at how cute she sounded.

The TV echoed one of their guesses, saying, "It's Clefairy!"


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