90- A Reception of Chaos

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Jasper and I walked into the reception area after everyone else had gotten there. There was a cheer as we made our way into the room before being hugged and congratulated by everyone we hadn't seen yet.

The Denali coven came over to talk to the two of us, letting me finally see them since they had arrived.

There was Eleazar, who I already knew fairly well since he had been helping with everything. His mate Carmen was incredible, and I loved meeting her.

Tanya and Kate came up to me to introduce themselves. "It's so nice to finally meet you," Kate told me, reaching out her hand to me to shake.

I took her hand in mine and felt a rippling sensation flow through me, shocking me slightly. She pulled her hand away quickly, saying, "What was that?"

"I told you she copied powers," Eleazar whispered harshly. "You touched her; she copied it."

"Sorry," I told her, pushing her power away. Jasper put his hand on my back, and I let his power wash over me again. "I'm not sure how not to copy powers yet."

"You okay?" She asked, suddenly worried that I had her power.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. It's already gone."

As Tanya walked closer to me, I could feel an overwhelming amount of care pouring out of her. I quickly focused on Edward's powers, wanting to have a telepathic conversation with him.

"It's nice to meet you, Tanya." Edward, why does she feel like this? I can't tell.

"It's so nice to meet you too, Emma. You make a beautiful bride."

'Oh my gosh. She has a crush on Charlie.'

I smiled before replying, "Oh, that's so sweet." That is wonderful news, Edward.

I turned my attention to Irina, seeing as she was the last person to meet, but she seemed upset and distracted.

Uh oh.

Edward's voice echoed in my head, confusing me. 'What's wrong?'

"Hi Irina, it's nice to meet you," I said, placing my hand out to her. She wasn't looking at me, though. She was looking behind me. I glanced behind me to see she was looking at Seth and Charlie, who were talking. Edward?

'She's upset about Seth because he's a wolf. For some reason, she only realized wolves are here right now, and she doesn't like them. I can't figure out why.'

I stepped in front of her view of Seth, not liking where this was going. "Irina?" I prompted.

"Why are they here?" She asked quietly.

"Irina, stop," Eleazar told her, not wanting an argument.

"I can't be here with them," she said, walking away from Jasper and me and out to where the cars were, leaving the wedding.

"I'm sorry," Kate told me. "She's not usually like this."

"It's alright," I told her.

"What's a wedding without a little family drama?" Jasper asked, smiling down at me.

We all dispersed, mingling in with everyone else.

After a few random conversations, it was time for our first dance. Jasper and I took over the dance floor. As the music started to play, we both placed our arms around each other. We danced together, swaying to the song.

"I can't believe you're wearing cowboy boots right now," Jasper told me, smiling down at me.

"I can't believe Alice let me," I told him.

"That girl is a whirlwind."

We both laughed, knowing how crazy Alice was.

As we continued dancing, I saw people joining us on the dance floor. We danced for a little while longer before Carlisle tapped on Jasper's shoulder.

"Can I cut in?" Carlisle asked.

"Of course," Jasper replied. He kissed me briefly before stepping away.

Carlisle walked up to me and danced with me. "I know I've already told you this," he told me, "but you look stunning tonight."

"Thank you, Dad. And thank you for everything. I don't think I tell you that enough."

From there, I took turns dancing with different people. Sam came over and danced with me before going off with Emily. Then Edward, Emmet, and Noah insisted they dance with their "new little sister" altogether, even though I was already adopted into the family. We all just messed around as a group before Seth came over and asked me for a dance.

As the two of us started dancing, I could tell Seth had something to say. "Okay, spill. What's going on?"

"Is it weird that I'm not upset at Charlie, just my mom?"

"Of course not," I told him. "However you feel is valid in this situation because this is a weird situation to be in."

He took a deep breath before finally saying, "Thank you."

"Of course. That's what I'm here for."

I could feel Jasper walking up behind me, so I decided to direct Seth to somewhere the three of us could talk. We all gathered together off to the side to speak.

"Seth," Jasper said, "we wanted to talk about what you told us earlier."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to distract you from the wedding. I should have just waited."

"No," I told him, stopping his rambling. "We wanted to say we think of you like our son, and we are glad you told us."

"And you are welcome over whenever," Jasper said, continuing my thought.

"I love you guys," he mumbled, pulling both of us into a hug.

"Love you too, Seth," we both told him.

"Alright!" Alice yelled into the microphone, silencing every other conversation. "It's time for toasts; if everyone could please take a seat."

Jasper and I walked over to our table, making Seth sit next to us with Carlisle, Esme, Sam, and Emily.

One by one, a few people gave toasts into the microphone. Esme and Carlisle talked about how much they cared about us and couldn't wait to see our future. Sam gave a speech about how he would kill Jasper if he hurt me. Noah gave a speech about how happy we will be that was followed by Emmet giving a speech about how he loved his dog, Lucky, which confused a few people. Then Rosalie gave a speech about how happy she was we found each other before Jasper walked up to the stage.

"I said most of what I wanted to say during the vows, but I still want to give a speech. I am so lucky to have found you, Emma, and I am so excited to see what the future holds for us. I'm excited to see what nonsense you decide to do, and I am so happy you've chosen me to be by your side while you do it. I promised you forever and always, and that's a promise I will never break."

I could feel the tears that had threatened to fall earlier finally slide down my cheeks. As Jasper walked down from the stage, I met him halfway and hugged him tightly. "I love you, Cowboy" I told him.

"I love you too, Puppy."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن