9- Secrets Undone

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*mentions abuse*

Soon enough, Winter break had arrived, and I was closer to the Cullens than ever. I was also in the worst possible relationship with my parents. They hated all the time I spent with the Cullens instead of cleaning the house. So, they tried everything to keep me in the house, and I tried everything to keep Edward and Jasper far from my home. I was afraid if either of them stepped foot in my house, they would find out the truth.

This resulted in the worst week of my life. During the first week of winter break, I did not leave my house once, so I did not see the Cullens once. I had made Edward promise he wouldn't seek out my thoughts if I wasn't in the room with him, and so far, he had upheld that promise. This kept my secret safe, but I wasn't sure how much longer it would be a secret.

And then my parents decided to go overboard. It was just before Christmas and they celebrated by getting drunk, like really drunk. They then decided to take all their unaired anger out on me. They hit me with their hands and with beer bottles that shattered on impact. I could feel hundreds of shards of glass cutting my skin over my whole body, but there was nothing I could do.

I passed out from the pain, but one of my parents must have dragged me to my room, because that's where I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I had never felt so much pain in my life, but I needed to answer the phone to get help. I reached out my trembling hand and managed to accept the call. I couldn't hear whoever was on the other end, but I said, as loud as my voice would let me say, "help." There was a rustling on the other end and shouting voices, but I couldn't focus on any of it.

The room was getting darker, and my vision was blurring.

And then I saw Jasper.

"Oh, Emma," his voice was soft, and his eyes were blood red, but I wasn't scared of him. "There's so much blood."

"Jas." My voice was barely audible, but I knew he heard me. I reached my hand out toward him, wanting to feel the coldness of his skin one last time before I died.

He reached out and grabbed my hand gently, getting blood all over his arm. He gently gathered me in his arms and picked me up before carrying me downstairs.

At least I saw him one more time before I died.

"Oh no," Edward said, barging into the room. "You're not dying today."

Jasper's eyes quickly flicked to see Edward before landing back on me, but my vision was fading. I could feel Jasper run with me in his arms before I blacked out once again.

I woke up sometime later in a room I didn't recognize. I could feel my whole body was wrapped in bandages, and everything hurt, but it was less than before. I looked around the room briefly before the door opened wide, and Carlisle walked in the room, followed by Jasper.

As my eyes landed on Jasper, I felt like everything would be okay.

Carlisle came to my side before asking, "How are you feeling?"

"Better than before." My voice was quiet, but it was louder than it had been.

"Okay, that's good. You lost a lot of blood, so you'll probably be tired, but you'll be fine in a couple of days." He gently patted my arm before stepping back and letting Jasper take his place.

Jasper kneeled next to the bed I was lying on before leaning his head against mine. "You scared me, Emma. I thought you were gone." His voice was hoarse, as if he had been crying, which I knew was impossible.

"I'm still here," I told him.

He looked up and locked eyes with me. His eyes once again looking like pure honey, calming me down even more. "Why do I feel like this?" He asked me. He spoke so quietly I could barely hear his voice, but he spoke with such confusion it pained me.

Maybe keeping it a secret isn't the best thing anymore. He deserves to know why he's feeling how he's feeling.

"I haven't been totally honest with you," I told him. "I'm sorry."

He gently placed a kiss on my forehead before saying, "It's okay."

I could feel my eyelids trying to close, but I fought my fatigue to try and talk to Jasper. He saw my struggle and placed a hand on my head before whispering, "We'll talk about it later. Sleep."

And with an overwhelming calm feeling, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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