96- Baby Names

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Since everything going on was so new and crazy, we decided it would be better to spend a lot of time at the family's house. Jasper and I had moved back into our room, and Seth usually fell asleep on the couch in our room.

We very quickly realized we had to tell everyone about the pregnancy, so no one freaked out when we suddenly had a child. We obviously told Seth first, and he was excited to be an older brother.

The next people who needed to know were the pack. We invited everyone over because Jasper didn't want them to freak out, and we end up stuck on the Rez with them in attack mode. I told him they would never do that multiple times, but his overprotectiveness was in overdrive now that I was pregnant. They all came over, and they all could tell whatever was happening was super important. 

"Let's just cut to the chase," Sam suggested. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, per se," I told him. "We just have to tell you that I'm pregnant."


They took the news well, but I could tell Bella was uncomfortable when she heard the news. Edward later told me she thought about him and a future they could have had together if she hadn't acted the way she had. That girl was still obsessed with Edward, and if she didn't stop soon, Bree would attack her without a second thought.

The following people who had to know were Charlie and Tanya. Charlie took it easily because he didn't understand how weird it was. Tanya called the rest of the family and told them, which resulted in them all freaking out.

A few weeks passed, and suddenly I was very pregnant and constantly tired. Jasper would sit with me for hours on days I felt off, and Seth was constantly checking up on me and made sure I ate every time he did so I was not missing meals. The two of them were wonderful and helped me out every day.

On my better days, I would go downstairs and hang out on the couch with everyone while they did various activities. The most common was still video games, and Emmet was upset he couldn't get mad at me when I won because they were all afraid it would bother me. It wouldn't, but I liked seeing Emmet get all worked up when it happened, so I never told him. Those were also the days Jasper would go hunting with someone, so he didn't freak out. Carlisle had found a way to get animal blood for me without me having to go out and hunt, so everything was okay.

On one of my good days, I was hanging out with all the boys in the living room while Jasper was hunting with the girls. It always made him feel better when the boys were left behind with me because he knew they could protect me if anything were to happen. Like I said, his overprotectiveness was in overdrive. While the boys played random video games, I got their opinions on baby names I had been thinking of.

When Jasper finally came home, he walked into the living room to see me leaning on Edward while he was beating Emmet, Noah, and Seth in some shooting game. As he walked in, I looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey, how was hunting?" I asked him.

"It was good," he replied, making his way over to me. He sat down on the couch on the other side of me, pulling me to lean on him instead of Edward. "What have you been up to?" he asked me.

"Just watching these idiots play video games," I told him, cuddling closer to him on the couch.

"You did do something else," Noah said, ending the game as the winner. "I'm sure Jasper would love to hear what you've been saying for the past hour."

Jasper looked down at me in confusion. "What have you been saying?"

"I was thinking of baby names," I told him. "But they do not like any of my ideas."

"I'm sure they're wonderful," Jasper said, smiling down at me.

Edward laughed, saying, "Wait till you hear them."

Don't you dare ruin it.

"Well," I started saying, "If it's a boy, I was thinking Edmet or Noah Jr. And if it's a girl, I was thinking Bella."

Jasper was silent as he looked at me, not understanding what I had just said, so I decided to elaborate on what I meant.

"You know, Edmet is a combination of Emmet and Edward, and I like Noah's name and Bella's name, so I thought we could name our child after them."

Jasper stopped looking down at me and instead looked at the other boys in the room. Everyone was trying not to laugh, and I could feel their humor at the situation, meaning Jasper could too. He looked back down at me and cautiously asked, "You're joking, right?"

I smiled up at him, pulled him closer, and said, "Of course I am. I just wanted to see your reaction to that."

The boys burst out laughing, and Jasper just chuckled. "And what made you think of doing that?" he asked me.

"I just wanted to annoy you. I feel like it's been a while since I have," I told him. "I do think we should talk about baby names soon, though. This baby is going to come sooner rather than later."

"Do you have any real ideas?" Noah asked me, wanting to be a part of this conversation still.

"I have one," Jasper said. "If you want to hear it."

"I do," I told him. "Tell me."

"I was thinking Charlotte for a girl." He didn't look at me as he spoke, and I could tell he was worried about my reaction to that, which confused me.

"Any reason why?" I asked him, looking up at him.

He sighed quietly, saying, "It was my mom's name."

"Well, I think it's a wonderful idea," I told him, soothing his worries that I would hate it. If Jasper wanted to name our kid after his mom, I would do it in a heartbeat.

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