20- An Unfortunate Accident

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The next day at school was normal until lunch. Edward had come to school with us, and he was looking at Bella from across the room.

"Can you stop staring at her?" I asked Edward.

"I'm trying to see if I can break into her mind and hear her thoughts," he told me.

"And is it working?" Emmet asked.


"You're probably freaking her out," Rosalie told him.

"Well, we'll never know," he replied. "So, until I break into her mind, I'll keep staring."

"Cause that's not terrifying," Noah told him.

"Can you smell her from here?" Jasper asked, hoping to see if he was okay or not.

"Yes," he replied calmly.

"And you're sure you're okay to sit next to her in class?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said, half confidently.

"Don't worry, guys, I don't see him doing anything." Alice's words caused everyone to relax. Their secret would at least be safe for another day.

As lunch came to an end, I followed Alice and Jasper to history class. As we sat down, both of them focused all their energy on Edward, ready to do something drastic if he freaked out.

Knowing he could hear us from where he was, I decided to take a different approach.

Hey Edward, don't worry. I know you will be fine. Just try and be civil, so she doesn't suspect anything; or make her hate you, so she'll leave you alone. Whatever you do, just be sure of your decision.

Throughout the class, I would randomly think a direct thought to Edward, just in case he was listening. I figured hearing how on edge his whole family was wasn't helping him deal with the situation, and I wanted him to know I believed he could handle it.

As the class came to an end, Alice sent a smile to both Jasper and I saying, "They're both fine."

I separated from the two vampires and went to my last-period class all alone. I continued to send positive thoughts to Edward throughout that class, hoping he could hear me.

As the last bell rang, I made my way out to the parking lot, where the whole family was peacefully waiting. I smiled at everyone as I stopped by Jasper's side.

"So, we all good?" I asked the family.

"We're all good," Edward replied with a smile on his face.

We all got into cars and drove home, thankful for the day having gone well.

A few days passed in this peaceful bliss. Edward had talked to Bella a little bit more, but he still kept his distance. We had decided that was the best way to keep the secret from her because she was very perceptive. Bella had even talked to me more often, and she would throw out random things to see if I would slip up. I think she could tell there was obviously something different between them and me.

Then everything went downhill. We were all gathered in the parking lot before school like we did every day. It was colder than usual outside, so Jasper had given me his jacket, and the roads were slicker than normal.

I talked to Jasper about my math homework as Edward watched Bella pull into the parking lot. Her truck looked like it was older than Carlisle, and none of us could understand how she had gotten something so big.

"I'll be right back, Jasper," I told him before making my way over to say hi to Bella. Ever since Edward had come back, Bella and I had become acquaintances, and I wanted to ask her about our English assignment. I would have asked Emmet, but he never paid attention in that class.

I waved at Bella, getting her attention. I made it next to her as she leaned against her car door. I placed myself in front of the truck bed before asking her, "how was your morning?"

"Oh," she said. "It's was good. Charlie put new tires on my truck because the roads were so slick, so that was a nice surprise."

I opened my mouth to respond when a high-pitched squealing noise cut me off. Bella and I turned to look and see a car careening toward us very quickly.

I let my instincts take over, and I jumped into the truck bed of her car, knowing that would keep me safer. Before I could hope to help Bella, the vehicle was stopped just before hitting her. I turned to see Edward holding Bella with one arm and stopping the car with the other.

I looked up to see the rest of the family looking at us with wide eyes. Jasper looked very anxious as he attempted to make his way over to me before being stopped by Alice and Emmet. He only stopped when I mouthed, 'I'm totally okay.'

Edward stood up from the ground, let go of Bella, and hopped over her truck, leaving the scene of the accident. Then every other person in the parking lot came and rushed over to make sure Bella and I were okay.

Both of us were perfectly fine, but as she looked up at me, I could tell she knew there was something different about us, and that worried me more than any injury could have.

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