98- Charlotte

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The day started normally. It was one of my good days, so I spent all day in the living room. After seeing that I was okay, Jasper decided to go hunt in the afternoon with Rosalie and Alice. I sat on the couch while watching Emmet decimate Noah and Seth in a video game.

"Esme's making dinner," Bree told me, joining us on the couch. "She says it should be ready in 20 minutes."

"Thank you, Bree," I replied, shifting slightly to talk to her better.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me, gently placing her hand on my arm.

"I'm fine," I told her.

"Stop lying," Edward said, setting down the book he was reading. "You're in pain, and you just won't say anything."

He was right. There was a dull pain in my stomach that had been there for a while, but it was nothing major.

"I'm fine," I told Edward. "I'm almost always in pain recently. I barely even notice it." I don't need everyone to worry. It's nothing.

"Can you guys stop arguing?" Emmet asked, not looking away from the TV. "I'm trying to win this game."

The dull pain got worse as I watched Emmet play, but I figured it was nothing. It wasn't until a sharp pain ripped through my body that I realized something was happening.

I gasped in pain, gaining everyone's attention. Edward threw his book and ran out of the room, yelling, "Carlisle!" The boys' game stopped as Seth and Emmet made sure they were by my side immediately.

"It's okay," Emmet said, giving me his hand to squeeze. I grabbed it tightly, not liking the pain I was in.

Carlisle and Edward sped back into the room, where they both announced the obvious, "She's giving birth."

Emmet and Edward quickly helped me into a room Carlisle had set up as a doctor's office for me. They helped me lay down on the bed as Carlisle and Seth walked in.

"Seth, out," I said, not wanting him in the room for this. He didn't need to see it.

Edward read my mind, realizing why I wanted him out, and led the protesting boy outside. Emmet stayed by my side as Carlisle checked my condition to ensure I was okay.

Another sharp pain racked through my body as Emmet tightened his grip on my hand.

"You're going through contractions," Carlisle said, trying to calm me. "It seems they're worse than normal, but that should mean you'll have less."

In the time I blinked, I suddenly felt my worries lessen as someone sped into the room. I opened my eyes to see Jasper in Emmet's spot, keeping me secure.

"Jazz," I mumbled, happy he had made it back in time.

"It's okay," he told me, ruining his hand through my hair to calm me down. "I'm here now. Alice had a vision, and I rushed back immediately."

"I think you made it back just in time," Carlisle said, getting ready. "Because I think this baby is ready to come out."

I focused my eyes on Jasper as he helped me remain calm. I listened to Carlisle and did as he asked but never looked away from my husband.

That was until I heard a new sound.

Jasper and I turned to see Carlisle holding a small child in his arms, their cries already calming down. Jasper gasped as I felt tears well up in my eyes.

Carlisle quickly cleaned up the kid before walking up to us. "It's a girl," he told us, smiling wide. "And she seems perfectly healthy."

Jasper helped me sit up as he sat next to me. Carlisle passed our child to me as I wrapped my arms around her, securing her. Jasper wrapped his arms around me, holding my arms in his as he looked over my shoulder. Jasper and I looked down at the little girl in my arms, speechless. Her eyes looked back up at us as if she was soaking us in as much as we were soaking her in.

Jasper spoke first. "She's beautiful," he mumbled in my ear. "Just like her mom."

That's when the tears finally fell down my face. "I'm going to protect you from the world," I whispered to the baby in my arms. "And you have a whole family who will help me."

"Have you to figured out her name?" Carlisle asked us.

"Yeah," I told him. "It's Charlotte Jasmine Whitlock Hale Cullen."

Jasper laughed slightly, mumbling, "Our last name is insane."

Carlisle laughed along with him, saying, "It fits."

As the two boys talked, Charlotte reached her hand up to me. I watched her, not sure what she was doing until her hand touched my face.

A tingling sensation rippled through my body as I suddenly saw our previous interaction from Charlotte's point of view. I was pulled out of the memory as her hand pulled away.

I smiled down at Charlotte before whispering, "Show your father."

"Show me what?" Jasper asked, paying attention to the two of us once again.

I shifted Charlotte closer to Jasper as she reached her hand out to him. She rested her hand on his face as his eyes zoned out. I looked down to see Charlotte smiling up at him before pulling her hand away.

"Wow," Jasper mumbled, shocked she had a power.

"What did she do?" Carlisle asked, wanting to make sure he could help with whatever her power was.

"She can show you a memory through touch," I told him, recognizing what she was doing.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Jasper asked Charlotte.

I laughed at him, only to yawn instead. I could feel tiredness slowly coming over me, but I wanted to stay awake.

"Emma, you're tired," Jasper told me. "You should rest. Your body has been through a lot."

"I want to be awake when the others meet her," I said, leaning on Jasper more.

Jasper gently took Charlotte out of my arms, letting me completely lean on him. "You are too tired to stay awake," he told me. "Why don't you rest, and we can introduce her to everyone when you wake up?"

"I don't want them to have to wait," I told Jasper.

"They can wait," Carlisle told me, gaining my attention. "You are the main concern right now. I'm sure Alice and Edward have already told everyone she's healthy and that they can meet her in the morning. Rest."

I nodded, showing Carlisle he was right. I slowly closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now