21- The Hospital

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Even though we were fine, Bella and I were rushed to the hospital where Carlisle worked. The two of us sat in hospital beds while nurses tended to us. After a quick look over, they could tell I was okay and left me alone while they checked Bella over. Before long, Charlie came storming into the room.

"My god Bella, are you okay?" He walked right up to her as he spoke.

"I'm fine, Charlie," she told him.

For some reason, I paused as she called him that. Sure I called Carlisle and Esme by their names, but Charlie was Bella's real father. It was weird that she didn't call him Dad.

"No, you're not, Bella. You were hit by a car. You're lucky you're not dead." Charlie was distraught at the whole situation, and it was easy to see. Then he looked over at me, and his eyes widened. "Emma, you were almost killed too? That's it; I'm suspending that boy's license. Reckless driving in the school parking lot."

"Charlie, we are both fine," I told him, hoping to diffuse the situation.

"Alright, where are they?" Carlisle walked into the room, ready to check the two of us over. "I heard what happened and came right over."

"Dr.Cullen, I'm glad to see you," Charlie said, refocusing on Bella.

"Cullen?" Bella asked, suddenly more interested in Carlisle. "You're Emma's dad?"

"Adopted, Bella," I told her as Carlisle made his way closer to Bella's bed. He only glanced briefly in my direction, knowing I was okay.

"Now, let me check you over real quick," Carlisle told Bella. He shined a light in her eyes before looking down at his clipboard. "Well, you should be good to go. You might feel a little dizzy or sick, but take it easy, and you'll be fine." Then he finally turned his attention to me and gave me a quick check over as he did to Bella.

"It could have been worse," I heard Bella tell her dad. "If Edward hadn't jumped in and saved me."

I felt Carlisle pause slightly at this sudden piece of information before continuing.

"Edward, as in your boy?" Charlie asked Carlisle.

"Must be," Carlisle responded, starting to make his way away from me. He wanted to end this conversation as quickly as possible to find out what really happened. I decided to give Edward a heads up.

Edward, I know you're somewhere in this hospital. Carlisle needs to talk to you. She definitely knows something is up with us.

I tuned back into the conversation to hear Charlie yell at the boy who almost hit us again. "You can kiss your license goodbye, young man!"

"Well, I'm going to head out. Emma, you coming?" Carlisle's words gave me a reason to leave Bella and Charlie behind, hoping they would leave, and that would be the end of that.

"Of course." I got up off of the bed and followed Carlisle out into the hallways.

Carlisle made his way through the hospital, stopping when he ran into Edward and Rosalie arguing. Both of them stopped their fight as they saw us approach.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked us.

"I used my super strength to save Bella and Emma from across the lot." Edward's words made Rosalie laugh.

"No, you saved Bella," Rosalie told him angrily. "Emma was already safe, and she had it under control. If you hadn't stepped in, she might have gotten away with it."

Edward got ready to respond before stopping, eyes trained behind me. I turned to see Bella staring at us.

"Why don't we take this conversation to my office," Carlisle said, directing Rosalie and me toward his office, leaving Edward behind to talk to his blood singer.

I barely listened as Rosalie and Carlisle spoke to each other. Instead, my mind wandered to the two talking in the hallway before I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Jasper, 'I'm outside in my car.'

I smiled in relief before looking up at Carlisle. "Jasper is here. I'm leaving with him."

"Be safe wherever you go," he told me, knowing we would end up wandering somewhere to think.

"Text you later," I told him as I made my way out of the room.

As I walked toward the entrance, I walked past Edward, who looked ready to kill someone in anger. I slowed my pace as I passed him. Whatever happens, it's not your fault, and it's going to be okay.

I saw him smile slightly as I continued out the front of the building. I saw Jasper's car immediately and made my way to the passenger side door. I opened it before climbing inside. As soon as I shut the door, Jasper took off, leaving the hospital far behind us.

"Are you okay?" He asked me tensely.

"You know I am," I told him, placing my hand on his to calm him down.

"This is going to end badly; I can feel it."

"It's going to be fine. Have some faith in Edward."

"It's not Edward I don't have faith in. It's that girl who will cause us problems."

I pause a second before responding, watching the trees fly by us as Jasper speeds down random roads. "She knows something is up. I could tell as soon as she looked at me. She knows we're not human."

"It's not your fault." Jasper's tone shifted suddenly, probably in reaction to my feelings. "You should not be feeling guilty right now."

"But I am. I could have prevented that from happening, our secrets could be safe, and everything could be fine within our family."

Jasper started slowing down as I spoke before coming to a stop. He parked the car on the side of the road and turned to look at me. "Emma, you did not mess anything up. Everything will be fine, and whatever happens, I will always be by your side."

"Promise?" I asked him.

"Promise." He told me. "Now, do you want to go home or drive more?"

"Let's drive some more. We'll have time to talk as a family before school tomorrow, but I think we need a minute to breathe."

And with that, Jasper continued to drive down random roads and highways. Eventually, we made our way back to the house where a tense group of vampires tried to solve our newest problem with Bella.

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