117- Goodbye

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We're leaving.

Everything we were taking with us was packed, and all that was left was the furniture we were leaving behind. I looked around, taking in Jasper and I's room in the big house one last time.

The room looked so different from the first time I had seen it. Wow, that was a crazy day, the day I admitted to Jasper that I imprinted on him. Of course, that was a long time ago, and the room had changed a lot since that day. I had moved in with Jasper and added my stuff. Then Jasper left. He lived here alone for a while. I moved back in, and then we got our own house. While a lot had happened, we always had some of our stuff in the room. Now it was empty.

A voice interrupted my thoughts as I heard Jasper walk up the stairs. "Okay! Everything is officially packed from both houses, and the kids are in the car waiting. We're all ready to go." He paused at the doorway and leaned against it, looking at me. "Everything okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I told him, a ghost of a smile on my face. "Why wouldn't it be?"

Jasper pushed off from the doorway and made his way into the room. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to the edge of the bed, sitting the two of us down. "You know I can feel your emotions, right?"

"I know," I mumbled, not liking where this conversation was going.

"So, what's going on?"

I sighed before giving in slightly. "I'm going to miss the pack," I told him, leaning into his touch. I was half telling the truth, and I was hopeful he would buy it.

"They're literally visiting next week to see the new house," Jasper replied, chuckling a little at my childishness. "They're going to stay a part of our lives. You know that."

"I know," I told him, sighing slightly.

"What's really up?"

I felt myself tear up. "I'm going to miss Forks. It's where our entire life together has been, and I'm going to be sad to not be here anymore."

"We'll come back. We always do. And next time, we'll have Seth, Charlotte, Leah, and Nathan with us in high school."

I groaned slightly just thinking about high school. "Don't remind me about that."

"What are you thinking about specifically? What are you going to miss?"

I paused, thinking over how sad I was just thinking about how much the room had changed. "We just had a lot of great times here," I told him honestly. "And we started our family here."

"Hey, we'll have amazing times in other places," he reassured me. "Alaska is a lot of fun, and you'll love all the room to run. And everyone is coming with us; you don't even have to miss them."

I turned to give him a real hug. "Thank you for making me feel better."

"That's what I'm here for. And I'll be here for you always."

"And forever?"

"And forever."



And with that, I stood up with Jasper, leaving our room behind. As we walked through the house, I could see ghosts of memories everywhere.

I remembered walking down the stairs with Jasper years ago. Both of us dressed extremely fancy, as we saw our family waiting to take photos with us before our first prom. It was one of the first times Emmet called me Lucky, not in wolf form, and I felt my hand subconsciously reach up to touch my necklace at the thought of it.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and looked into the dining room, where I had many meals and conversations with the family. I remember sitting there the morning Bella told Edward she knew about vampires, where I told Edward I trusted him with Bella.

We walked further into the house, passing the living room, where I played many rounds of Mario Kart. I could remember how it felt to compete against Seth and Emmet in the final round of our mega competition with everyone else surrounding us and cheering us on. This was also the room I first called Carlisle and Esme 'Mom' and 'Dad,' and the room I told Jasper about being imprints.

We finally made it to the front door, where Jasper let me walk out first. I stopped on the porch and watched him lock the front door.

I remembered fighting with Sue Clearwater on this porch. I had never been so angry before, but the fight had caused one of the best things to ever happen in my life.

I turned to look at the kids in the car with a small smile. The four of them were sitting in random places with their stuff covering all of the empty seats.

This was the place where I told Seth we wanted to adopt him. It was the exact spot where our crazy little family had become more than just Jasper and me.

I felt Jasper grab my hand, pulling me back to reality. "You ready?" he asked me.

"As I'll ever be," I told him, letting him pull me to the car.

He let go of my hand as he got in the driver's seat. I sat next to him in the passenger seat before looking at the kids. "Is everyone buckled?" I asked them.

"Yeah, Mom," Seth told me, a slight smile on his face.

"We're all been ready, just waiting for you," Leah added.

Nathan nudged Leah slightly, shutting her up. "We're fine, Mom," he told me, letting me know the truth.

"Can we go now?" Charlotte asked, already restless.

"Yeah, we can," I answered before looking out the front windshield. Jasper put the car in reverse and drove us out of the driveway and onto the street.

We drove through some of the streets in town on our way out of Forks. Nothing really stood out to me, except for Charlie's house. I smiled slightly as we passed it, knowing Charlie and Tanya were already waiting for us in Alaska.

Before I knew it, we were driving out of Forks, Washington. I knew because I saw the little sign that said, 'You are now leaving Forks. Come again soon!'

Alaska was exactly 2,348 miles from Forks, Washington. It was a distance so great it should have severed all ties with the pack, but I knew our bond could overcome anything. In one car ride, we would officially have moved away from the place I called home. But I knew I would make a new home, surrounded by my family and the people I love.

It would be crazy and chaotic, as life had always been with wolves, vampires, and humans living together. Still, I knew we could handle it because no matter what happened, I would always love Jasper, I would be his wolf pup, and that would always be enough to overcome anything. Forever and always.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now