115- Four Kids

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"Mom, where did you put my shoes?"

"They're in your room, where they belong."


Living with four children in a house not meant for that many kids was interesting, but it was the best thing to ever happen to us. Leah and Nathan had moved into Seth's old room, and Seth had moved into Charlotte's room. We had officially adopted Nathan and Leah with Charlie's help, and everything had gone smoothly. I think Sam was also really happy that they weren't in his care anymore, so that was another good thing.

"Jasper, what time are we supposed to be at the house?" I asked Jasper as I continued getting ready.

"In one minute," he responded, putting his shoes on.

"We are not going to make it," I told him. "But I'm sure Alice already knows that, so we'll be okay."

I finished getting ready as fast as I could before Jasper, and I made our way around the house, gathering all four kids. As soon as we had everyone, we went outside and made our way to The Cullen household.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Charlotte yelled, running ahead of us as soon as she saw Carlisle. The young girl was currently obsessed with Carlisle for some reason, and we all just let her do her nonsense.

The rest of us made it to the front door where Carlisle was standing, holding Charlotte in his arms. "Glad you could make it," he told us, a smile on his face.

"Sorry we're late," I told him, walking into the house. "Apparently, it takes all six of us longer to get ready than I thought."

"No worries," Esme said, joining Carlisle as we all gathered in the entryway. "Alice told us you would be late, so we told the others not to arrive for another 30 minutes to give us a little bit of time alone."

We all made our way to the kitchen, where the rest of the family was preparing dinner. I quickly stepped up and started helping them finish making the food while Jasper took the kids into the living room to help clean up a little.

"So," Esme said, getting my attention. "How's life with four kids?"

"Chaotic," I told her, with a slight smile, just thinking about our chaos. "But I love it. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"I'm glad."

Leah came running into the room and headed straight to me. "Umm, Jasper says to ask you what else we should help with."

"I think we've got everything handled," I told her. "Why don't you guys play a game or something till the others arrive."

"Sounds good!" She yelled, ruining back out of the room.

"She still calls you guys by name?" Rosalie asked me as soon as Leah was out of earshot.

"Her and Nathan do," I answered. "We've only adopted them recently. They're not used to it. We told them they don't have to ever call us Mom and Dad if they don't want to."

"Just give them time," Alice says quietly. "You never know."

We finished preparing the food, and I headed into the living room. I watched the kids play a random game before a knock on the door got our attention.

"They're here!" Charlotte yelled, running through the house to answer the door.

Jasper got up and was a step behind her, making sure she wasn't too crazy. He picked her up from behind, making her giggle like crazy, before placing her on his hip and opening the door. "Glad you guys could make it," he said, letting everyone in.

"Glad you invited us," Sam replied, leading the pack into the house.

All ten of them piled into the living room. The boys had brought their imprints along as well. I greeted them all, hugs being given, as everyone sat down and started talking to everyone else. I saw Jasper was still by the door holding Charlotte, meaning someone else was still coming in. Charlie and Tanya walked in moments later, joining our chaotic group of people.

All 26 of us barely fit into the living room, but we all got comfortable as we hung out and talked. There were about ten different conversations going on between everyone, which was chaotic to listen to.

"So, how have Leah and Nathan been?" Sam asked me, wanting to check in.

"They're all good," I told him, looking over at the two. They were sitting together and talking to Bella and Jacob.

"They look happy," Sam noted.

I could see what he meant. Leah and Nathan both had smiles as they talked, and they looked calm as they hung out with everyone. "They do."

"Alright!" Esme announced, getting everyone's attention. "It's time for dinner."

Everyone who could eat immediately got up, grabbed a plate, and got as much food as possible before settling back down in different places. We all ate together and continued our random conversations.

Games of Mario Kart we're quickly started, as Emmet got bored watching everyone eat. As the boys finished eating, they all took turns playing against each other.

I watched as Seth and Charlotte played with Quill and Claire, all four of them messing around with each other. I gave a sad smile as I realized in a little more than a month, they wouldn't be close enough to hang out like that anymore.

I felt Jasper's arms wrap around my shoulders as he gently pulled back, letting me know he wanted to go for a walk. I leaned back into him, thinking that it was a good idea. The two of us silently made our way outside, where I let Jasper lead me around aimlessly. I grabbed his hand in mine as we walked.

"So, what's up?" He asked me gently. "You felt sad in there."

"I was just thinking about us moving," I told him honestly, not wanting to hide anything from him. "I just feel bad taking them away from the pack."

"Hey," he said, stopping and grabbing my shoulders to face him. "Don't think like that. We've already talked to the kids. We know they want to come with us."

"I feel bad that we made them choose."

"They're not choosing anything," he told me. "We're still close enough to visit Forks whenever we want, and our house has a bunch of empty rooms for them to stay in when they come up to visit us."

I took a deep breath before continuing, realizing there was more to it. "I'm going to miss them."

"Of course you are," he told me, pulling me in for a hug. "I know they are your family as much as we all are. But this move will be a good thing for all of us. We can have a bit more freedom in a new place."

"I guess you're right," I mumbled, leaning into him. "Thank you."

"Always, Puppy. I'm always here for you." He pulled away to look at me once again. "We should probably head back, though, before anyone freaks out that we were gone."

"You're right."

I grabbed his hand in mine once again, making our way back to the house. As we stepped inside, a few people glanced our way, but no one questioned where we went.

The rest of the night was spent just being with everyone and enjoying the limited time we had left together before we left.

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