84- A New Outcome

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"You will come with us, now." Jack was angrier than I had ever seen him, but my answer was simple.


I felt a shiver run through my body after I spoke, making me realize the most important thing "Did you just try and use the voice on me?"

"What are you talking about, Emma? If I tried to use the voice on you, it would work." He sounded doubtful.

I quickly tapped into Edward's powers and read his mind as Alice gasped from across the field. Jasper and Noah stood in front of her, protecting her as I read her mind as well.

He had tried to use the voice on me, and it hadn't affected me at all. Alice saw a new outcome with this piece of information, one I liked a lot better.

"You can't use me anymore, Jack," I told him, stepping closer to him. "So I suggest you turn around and leave."

"You are coming with me, now!" His yelling got a few people's attention as the fighting slowly stopped.

I could feel my wolf disagreeing, so I decided to tell him, "I am going nowhere."

"Emma!" Carlisle called out, pulling my attention over to him briefly. He was standing next to Sam and Edward, and neither seemed to be hurt, but his call made something inside me shift. My wolf cared way more about them than about Jack standing in front of me.

I smiled in pure elation as I looked at Jack. I felt more powerful than I ever had, and no actual power had anything to do with it. "I am not going with you," I told him one more time.

"I am your alpha, and you will do as I say!" Jack yelled.

I could feel people walking up behind me, but I knew that one of them was Jasper, so I figured I was okay. "That's the thing," I told him, walking closer. "I'm no longer part of your pack. My guess is, I haven't been for a while."

"You're not part of that wolf's pack; I can tell that much, Emma."

"I'm part of my own pack," I told him. "One that includes the people I actually care about, and that doesn't include you." I shoved Jack down and pinned him on the ground. "So, I suggest you leave here now before I tear you apart."

As I let him go, he scrambled up from the ground and back away from me, fear radiating off of him in waves. The rest of his pack gathered around him, except for Nathan.

We both realized this at the same time, making Jack say, "Let's go, Nathan."

"Nathan stays," I said aggressively, stepping closer to him.

Jack stared at me but didn't answer. I stepped closer to him, ready to fight him, but he backed away. "Nathan stays," he finally admitted. He was scared because he had never been defied or defeated before, but I was doing both. He quickly phased and ran away with the rest of his pack.

As I watched them run into the woods, I felt arms wrap around me. "You're incredible," Jasper told me, picking me up off the ground and spinning me around.

"I love you too," I told him.

As he set me on the ground, he smiled and said, "Marry me in two weeks."


"I'm tired of waiting. Marry me in two weeks. That's plenty of time for Alice."

I smiled, looking at Jasper, realizing he was serious. "Okay," I told him.

He pulled me into another hug, enjoying the happiness that everyone was feeling around us. As he pulled back, we both turned our attention to Leah and Nathan, who were looking at an approaching and scary-looking Sam.

"I need to stop this before it gets bad," I told Jasper, quickly running over to the terrified-looking Nathan. "Nathan, phase," I told him, wanting to speak with him. I turned to Sam, saying, "Give me a second," before pulling Nathan with me a little ways away.

"Why did you stand up for me?" Nathan asked me. "We were awful to you back then."

"They were awful," I told him. "You were quiet and didn't start fights."

"What are they like," he asked me, glancing over at the pack, who were slowly phasing back and putting on clothes they had hidden in the tree line.

"You'll love them," I told him honestly. "Leah's a little much sometimes, but Sam is nicer than anyone I've ever met."

"And the vampires?"

"They'll love you as well."

"You know," he said quietly, "you're taking all this very well. Jack just tried to make you leave your family."

"He failed," I told him, "and now I'm going to make sure everything is okay with you and Sam before I leave you alone with them. Come on."

The two of us walked back over to the pack, where Leah waited anxiously next to Sam. "Do we like him?" Sam asked me, trusting my judgment.

"We like him," I responded. "This is Nathan. He's 15, and he is kind. He was the only one who ever helped me."

"That's good enough for me."

As Nathan started talking to the pack, I turned back to Jasper. I was in his arms once again in an instant. "I told you it would be okay," he told me.

"I'll never not believe you again."

"So," Carlisle said, walking over to us. "What exactly just happened?"

"It turns out I had nothing to worry about," I said honestly. "My wolf choose you and Sam over Jack."

"As your alpha?" He asked me, confused.

"I guess," I responded. "I'm honestly not completely sure what happened, but I'm not going to question it."

"Emma!" Seth yelled excitedly. I turned to see him running at me, and I pulled him into a hug as he reached me. "Do I need to be worried about that boy?" he asked me quietly so Nathan couldn't hear him from across the field.

"No, Seth. I trust Nathan enough not to hurt her."

He accepted my answer but didn't go over to the pack.

The next few minutes were spent in the field in pure bliss. Everyone was happy I was not leaving, and everyone wanted to celebrate with hugs. Then Alice realized the most important thing.

"We have to get to work right away," Alice told me. "Two weeks is not a lot of time to plan a wedding."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now