108- Celebrating

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We decided to celebrate by throwing a rager for New Year's Eve. Everyone gathered at The Cullens and got ready for the best party we had ever had. We were all hopped up with happiness from the previous few days, and adding some sugar only made everyone more chaotic, but it was a good thing.

We all gathered around the house in random groups, talking and hanging out. Charlotte and Seth had brought out some of their toys from Christmas and were building legos in the living room with whoever would help. Esme, Rachel, and Emily were cooking dinner in the kitchen together. Random music played throughout the house, adding to the overall joy in the air.

"Mom! Come look!" Charlotte yelled through the house. The young girl had gotten more talkative as time passed, and she opened up to everyone in the family without care anymore.

I left Carlisle and Sam and walked into the living room to see what Charlotte wanted to show me. I was astounded at what I was seeing. Charlotte, Seth, Jasper, Emmet, Edward, Jacob, and Embry were standing in the middle of a lego masterpiece. They had made a castle big enough to stand in the middle of it with no ceiling.

"How did you make this?" I asked them, not understanding what I was looking at.

"It turns out Carlisle bought them enough legos to build a castle," Jasper told me.

"I can see that," I replied, walking closer to the structure. It took up the entire living room, and they had pushed all of the furniture to the edge of the room. "I don't understand how you had enough time to make this."

"We have superspeed," Emmet said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"You have to come see the inside," Embry told me, opening a gate made out of legos to let me in.

I walked into the castle to see they had made benches made out of legos as well. Charlotte and Seth sat down on one while I looked at the crazy group of boys in front of me, who were all smiling like idiots.

"Apparently, I need to buy you guys more legos so you can build crazy things," I told them, still not understanding how they built something so well. I looked on the ground to see drawings of the castle on multiple papers that I assumed they used as blueprints. "Did you draw those randomly and then decide to build it?"

"Charlotte drew it," Jacob answered. "And then Embry, Seth, and I figured out how to make it into a lego structure, and Emmet, Edward, and Jasper built it."

"Do you like it, Mom?" Charlotte asked, looking up at me.

"Of course I like it," I told her. "I'm just mind blown that it exists."

"Dinnertime!" Esme yelled through the house, immediately making Jacob and Embry run off to the kitchen.

"Come here, Charlotte," I said, picking her up to bring her to the kitchen. I turned to the other boys with Charlotte in my arms before saying, "I hate to say this, but you need to undo this before Mom finds out you took over the living room. We all have to come in here to watch the ball drop, and she's not going to like the castle as part of that."

"We'll clean it up," Edward told me, knowing how angry Esme would get if we ruined her party.

I took Charlotte and Seth to the dining room, where we all ate a delicious dinner. By the time we were done and all came back into the living room, the boys had set the room back to normal. Charlotte and Seth went back to playing with random toys while a few boys started up a Mario Kart game.

Jasper walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close as we watched Charlotte and Seth play. "They're some pretty good kids," Jasper told me quietly.

"That they are," I replied. "It seems they are also master architects."

"She is a genius. I think Esme and her could build houses together in the future."

I turned in Jasper's arms, putting my head on his chest. "I think I need to buy you more legos first before we give them actual building materials."

I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed at me, but I cherished how calm we felt together. It felt like an eternity since everyone had been so relaxed, and I was relishing in it.

For a few hours, everyone just messed around with each other. There were a lot of Mario Kart games and rounds of Uno played with random groups of people, as well as a lot of snack breaks full of sugary sweets.

"It's almost time! Put the show on!"

Emmet quickly grabbed the TV remote and put on the show where you watched the ball drop. Surprisingly, everyone was still awake, but it seemed like a few were close to fading. We all watched as some random singer stopped singing as the show turned its attention to the ball.

"10" Jasper's arms wrapped around my arms from behind.

"9" I was turned around to face Jasper.

"8" I looked up as Jasper smiled down at me.

"7" He pulled me closer.

"6" His arms wrapped around my back.

"5" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"4" He leaned down.

"3" Jasper placed a kiss on my nose.

"2" I pulled him closer.

"1" Jasper's lips met mine.

"Happy New Year!"

I pulled back from Jasper, looking up at him with a stupid smile on my face. "You're such a cheesy husband," I told him.

"You love it."

"I do."

I heard a yawn from behind me, making me turn around to see Charlotte and Seth basically falling asleep on each other. I let go of Jasper and made my way over to them with Jasper just behind me.

"Alright, I think it's time for bed," I told them.

"No, we're fine!" Seth complained, not wanting to go.

"Yeah, we're awake enough!" Charlotte added, not wanting to leave if Seth wasn't. Whatever Seth said, Charlotte always agreed.

"You better not complain tomorrow when you're tired," Jasper told them.

"We won't," they chorused.

30 minutes later, they were asleep on the couch with Leah and Nathan.

"We should probably leave," Sam said, seeing the sleeping children on the couch.

"They can spend the night here," Carlisle told them, seeing how no one wanted to move Leah or Nathan. "They won't be bothered on the couch all night."

"Thank you, Carlisle," Sam replied before gathering the rest of their group.

They made their way outside as The Denalis did the same, heading to Charlie's house to hang out.

I made my way over to the couch to figure out if we should move the children.

"We can take them up to our room," Jasper said, walking up next to me. "It'll be more comfortable for them."

"Good idea," I told him.

First, the two of us took Leah and Nathan upstairs, Jasper carrying Leah and me carrying Nathan. We laid them on our bed and watched as they cuddled up to each other and got comfortable. Then we walked back down to grab Seth and Charlotte.

As my arms wrapped around Seth, he stirred and opened his eyes. "Mom?" he asked, confused about what was happening.

"Just go back to sleep," I told him. "I'm just taking you upstairs."

He nodded, leaning his head on my shoulder before passing out again. I picked him up and saw Jasper doing the same with Charlotte. The two of us carefully took them upstairs, laying them on the bed next to each other. They both moved closer before settling down.

Jasper and I made our way back downstairs, where we helped clean up the party.

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