68- Pain

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As the Volturi walked closer, the only two I recognized were Jane and her brother Alec. The others had their hoods over their heads, but I knew none of them were the three kings.

Our family stood strong next to each other. It was apparent we weren't scared of the people approaching, but Bree looked terrified standing next to Edward.

"Hello, Jane," Carlisle said, hoping to start and end this conversation quickly. "How nice of you to visit."

"Yes," she replied. "Though it is not often the Volturi are rendered useless. It seems this was an interesting fight."

"Yes, it was organized by Victoria. Perhaps you know of her," Edward said, wanting to get a rise out of Jane.

"Edward," Carlisle said, stopping an argument from starting. "If the Volturi had known of Victoria, they would have stopped her."

"Right," Jane agreed, looking from Carlisle to Bree. "Oh, it seems you missed one."

"She's not like the others," Esme said, hopeful for a peaceful conversation.

That is, of course, not what happened. Jane used her power to make Bree feel pain, and I cringed slightly, making Jane look over at me briefly. Edward stepped in front of Bree, saying, "She is my mate. She surrendered as soon as she realized it, and is not a threat. Now stop!"

Jane rolled her eyes and stopped what she was doing, turning to face me. "And how are you, Emma?" Without letting me answer, she used her power on me as well.

My knees buckled, and my grip tightened on Jasper, but I did not give her a scream or fall to the ground like I knew she wanted. While it felt like I was burning from the inside out, she would not get what she wanted from me.

The pain suddenly stopped as I saw Edward and Alice step forward and yell at her. They both knew what Aro had said about me before and used it against her. Jasper simply wrapped his arms around me as I reoriented myself. I didn't catch anything they said, but I smiled slightly as Jane dramatically turned around and walked away.

As soon as they were out of sight, I dropped my composure and leaned into Jasper completely. "Are you okay?" he asked me, holding me tight.

"I'm fine," I told him, turning my attention to Carlisle. "We need to go help, Jacob."

"You need to stay here," he told me, glancing up at Jasper.

"No," I told him, getting stable with my legs under me and pushing away from Jasper. "We're coming. I'm fine."

Jasper sighed briefly but didn't argue. "Let's go," he said, picking me up and running toward the Rez. Carlisle was right behind us, following Jasper as he led the way.

As we came upon Jacob's house, everyone was sitting outside listening to his cries of pain. Jasper and Carlisle stopped running as we joined them, and Jasper set me down. Carlisle walked straight into the house as Jasper and I sat down next to the rest of the pack.

"He's going to have to rebreak the bones and then set them," Jasper told us quietly.

I looked up at him with an idea in my head. "Can you help him?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he told me, knowing what I was asking. He turned his attention to the house where Jacob's screams had just gotten louder. In a moment, even though we knew Carlisle was still working, they quieted down once again. Jasper was taking some of his pain and making him feel better.

We sat in silence for a while, just listening to Jacob's whimpers from inside. At some point, Seth moved closer to me, and I wrapped him in a hug. He was way too young to be dealing with any of this, and I wished I could protect him from it. Seeing as I couldn't, I just continued to comfort him with a hug.

Carlisle eventually walked out of the house and walked toward Billy and Rachel. "Everything is back in place, and now he just needs to heal. I gave him some morphine to numb the pain, but his fast metabolism will burn it all up soon. I'll run home and come back and set up a drip to help him."

Billy spoke up first, saying, "Thank you, Carlisle. I'm glad you were here to help."

Carlisle simply nodded before walking over to Jasper and me. "Come on," he said to the two of us. "You two need to get home and rest."

I simply nodded, completely exhausted from everything, as I gently passed Seth over to Paul, who was sitting closest to me. Jasper brought his attention away from Jacob, but his cries didn't get louder. After having used his power for so long, he looked drained. The two of us stood up shakily as Carlisle led us back to the edge of the Rez. As soon as we crossed the treaty line, Esme pulled up in a car, and Jasper and I crawled in. Neither of us buckled as Esme drove us back to the house.

When we arrived, Carlisle already had everything he needed to take back to the Rez while Noah and Emmet were waiting for us. The latter two were put in charge of leading Jasper and me up to our room. I got dizzy about halfway, so Noah simply picked me up. We got to our room, where Noah laid me down on our bed, and Jasper fell down next to me.

We both wrapped our arms around each other as Noah placed the blanket over us. My eyes closed, and I fell into a deep sleep.

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