113- Hopeless Romantic

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As summer slowly started to come to an end, there was one last celebration to have. Edward and Bree were finally getting married.

As Bree had asked, the wedding would be small, but we were still going all out to make sure it was a special day for both of them. They deserved a day of happiness.

It took place in our backyard, and Alice and Esme were again in charge of the decor. We helped them to make sure everything was perfect.

Rosalie and Esme were helping Bree get ready while Alice and I were helping Charlotte and Leah. Even though we were the only ones that were going to be there, we all wanted to dress up.

"You look so pretty," Leah told Bree, watching as Rosalie curled her hair.

"Thank you, Leah," she responded. Leah and Nathan were the only two outside our immediate family that was coming, and Bree had personally invited them. It made me happy that everyone was seeing them as family, even if they technically weren't.

"How are you feeling?" Esme asked Bree, wanting to make sure she was okay.

"I feel fine, Esme," the younger girl responded. "I'm glad it's just you guys, though. I don't know how I would feel if everyone were here."

"That's why we kept it small," I told her. "This day is about you guys, not everyone else."

As everyone continued talking, I felt a shift in someone's emotions downstairs. I tried focusing on who it was, but the boys seemed to be so close together that I couldn't pinpoint it. I decided to switch tactics to see if that would help.

I focused on Edward's power and went to ask Edward a question, but instead was hit by his inner monologue of chaos.

'What if she doesn't like it and wishes she had a bigger wedding? I don't want her to regret today. What if she hates Isle Esme for a honeymoon? I don't want her to think it wasn't original enough.'

I quickly blocked his thoughts out of my head before sending one clear thought to him. Meet me outside.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back," I told the girls. "I want to go check on the boys."

I quickly went downstairs to see Jasper worryingly looking out the back door. I made my way beside him to see that he was looking straight at Edward, standing by himself at the end of the aisle. "I'll figure it out," I mumbled to Jasper before making my way over to Edward.

I walked up to him, placed my arm around his, and pulled him away from the aisle and into the woods to talk. As soon as I knew we were far enough away, I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Hey," I said gently. "What's going on?"

"I feel like I'm freaking out, and I don't know why," he told me honestly.

"Okay, is something specific about today freaking you out?"

He took a breath, trying to calm himself down, before sitting down on a random log. "I want today to be perfect, but I'm afraid it won't be."

I sat down beside him, gently leaning on his arm to let him know I was there for him. "What do you think will go wrong?"

"I don't know. I just don't want anything to ruin today."

We sat in silence for a moment as I tried to think how I could calm him down. He took my silence the wrong way.

"I know," he told me. "I'm overthinking things again."

"No, you're not," I told him. "In the last year, we've had three weddings, and someone has freaked out at all three. Apparently, this is normal."

"Or we're just crazy."

I laughed a little at Edward's response, making him smile at me in return. "That's always a possibility," I told him. "But I think it also has something to do with how deeply we all feel for each other."

"What do you mean?"

"You and Bree care for each other deeply," I told him. "I feel it every time I'm around you. That's why you don't want something to go wrong. You want it to be perfect for Bree because you love her."

Edward didn't speak for a moment. Instead, he just looked at the surrounding trees. When he finally spoke, I was shocked at his words. "I never thought I would find what everyone else in the family has. When Carlisle first found Esme, I was so happy for them, and I hoped I would find someone like that too. Carlisle thought Rosalie could be it for me, but we never clicked that way. Then she found Emmet, and it was clear they were meant to be. Then Alice, Noah, and Jasper showed up, and Jasper and I got along because we didn't have someone." He looked over at me before continuing. "Then you came along and sent a shock through everything we had ever known."

"Oh, Eddie," I mumbled, realizing how that must have felt.

"Of course, we loved you," he told me quickly. "You were the sister we were always missing. But then Bella came along, and I really thought she was it for me, but she wasn't. Bree was. She's so different from everything I've known in the best way possible. I want everything about today to be as perfect as I've always hoped it would be, for Bree and for me."

I looked at him for a moment, smiling, before saying, "Who knew you were such a hopeless romantic."

"Shut up," he mumbled, shoving me slightly.

"She loves you too," I told him. "And the wedding will be perfect, and you'll live together happily ever after. Just enjoy today. You deserve it."

Edward nodded as I spoke before saying, "Thank you. You always seem to be the one talking me through things."

"That's what sisters are for," I told him. "Now, how about we get back to the house before the family freaks out."

The two of us made our way back to the house, where we all finished getting ready before the ceremony started. It was simple and perfect.

Edward made his way to the front of the aisle where Carlisle was waiting as the officiant. The rest of us sat down in our seats before Bree made her way down the aisle with Esme by her side. She had specifically asked Esme to walk her down, and Esme was thrilled to help.

We all watched with smiles on our faces as the ceremony went along. Bree looked stunning in her gown, and Edward looked dashing in his suit. Before we knew it, we came to the end of the ceremony.

"For the first time, I would like to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Bree Cullen."

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