The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 10)

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"So what is the big surprise?" I asked as I walked in the arena fully changed. I wondered why Robin was only holding one sword. I never knew which one was mine so he always took it.

"Just let Zjarr explain."

I waited but I didn't know for what. Maybe Zjarr would come into the arena; not sure if it was big enough. Then I heard her voice; it always felt good to hear it.

"So, young knight, listen and don't say a word." Zjarr warned me and it made Robin smile. "We think that you are ready for your dragon sword but to see if we are right you must summon it."

My dragon didn't go any further and I had a question to ask but I wasn't allowed to speak. I just waited for Zjarr to say I could; it was Robin who did.

"Go ahead."

"How do I summon it?" I breathed out as if I had been holding my breath.

"Close your eyes and extend your left arm. Imagine the sword in your hand and don't be scared if you hear the elements, you might even see them." Zjarr instructed.

"How am I supposed to imagine it in my hand if I've never seen it?"

"You have seen it before. It's around your neck and you saw it at the ruins."

That left me without a comment. I reached for my medallion and took a good look at it; I had noticed the same girl as on the floor of the ruins holding something long. Was that my sword? I was in trouble; something long like that had to me heavy.

Nothing the less I did as Zjarr had told me. I extended my left arm and imagined the long shape of the sword in my hand. I didn't see anybody but I heard the voice I had some time ago associated to dark and I also thought I heard a deep and smooth voice, I thought it had to be earth.

"Take care, young knight, as the road ahead is long and dangerous. This sword will help you and protect but it does not come without a cost." Dark said.

"You must trust it with you life and it will never fail you." Earth said. does not come without a cost. Oh dragon that didn't sound good but I decided to keep it to myself. Somehow Robin must have had known that something wasn't right because he looked worried when I opened my eyes.

To avoid any questions I looked down at my left hand to find the most beautiful sword. The part where I held it, I'm not that familiar with part of a sword, was red and golden colored with a ruby on each end. One of the blades was golden like while the other blade was clear silver, not the usual gray. And I didn't even feel its weight; it was as light as a feather. It seemed to be glowing from the inside.

Oh no, it was just my medallion glowing.

Wait what?! My medallion was glowing?! I took it with my right hand and looked at it; it was just glowing I didn't know why nor did I know how; nothing was changing. After a minute, since it didn't stop glowing I put it under my shirt.

"I don't know what you think but I think that I'm going to kill myself with it." I said to Robin who smiled.

"Usually as dragon sword comes with guidance." Zjarr said. "But help will only come during a fight; so I suggest that Robin picks up his sword and you start a nice fight. If you need me, I'll be somewhere between the earth and the sky."

I wanted to ask Zjarr to stay but I could feel her setting off. Okay well that was much help...usually a dragon sword comes with guidance... I didn't like the way dragons, or Zjarr, and the elements used to talk with a bunch of enigmas.

Looking up from my new sword to Robin I saw he was ready to attack me. And before I could do anything, he did. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and all I could do was watch Robin come closer ready to attack.

The Dragon Knight; The Awakening of the LegendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang