The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 30)

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Hi =) So I won't make this too long because I only have one word of vocabulary.

Istana Pasir --> Malay for Castle of Sand... the name will make sense later... don't know when yet but it wil, later on in the story, not this chapter

Oh yeah, and Château is French for castle but I gave it a different meaning.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter =)


I wasn’t sure if I could refer to this building as a castle or if I should just call it a tree. I decided to go for Château, which I knew was the fancy word used in Rubis for a mansion that could have been a castle if it wanted to be. It was like nothing I had ever seen before on the insides.

The floors and walls were completely made out of wood but the walls had some kind of glow to it which made them look as if they were richly decorated. The doors were carefully carved out of the walls, their handles looking like beautifully curved branches. The windows were just as carefully sculpted but there was no glass.

The lanterns were separated only by two meters, filling the corridor with a constant soft orange glow, enlightening the paintings on the wall, the armors in the displays, bow and quivers and other things I didn’t recognize.

As I had to keep up with Robin’s large steps I couldn’t stop to look at a painting or enjoy the view but there was so much to look at. Sometimes we would come across a guard but they didn’t pay us any attention. Robin seemed to know where he was going but honestly I felt lost as soon as we turned around the first corner. All the hallways looked the same, as did the stairs and doors.

“Everything you need to know is in the wood; you just to know where to look.” Robin had explained, not helping me at all. “Plus have heightened senses comes in handy something and right now I can smell the freshly baked olive bread.”

The mention of food made my stomach rumble loudly causing Robin to laugh a little and speeding up. Unlike I feared the kitchens weren't all the way at the roots of the tree but on the same level as the village. I only smelled the many different delicious scents once we were close by and dragon, did it smell good.

When we rounded the corner the first thing I noticed were the two elfin girls standing in front of the door. One was swirling around the corridor, her golden hair floating behind her. The other one was simply watching her, leaning against the wall. It was something about her that surprised me in her posture; as she watched the other, she didn’t radiate pride or arrogance but something slightly closer to a shy attitude.

The one dancing was laughing in a crystal clear laugh that seemed magnified as it was reflected on the wall. She was also the first one to notice Robin and me, at the beginning of the corridor. As she stopped and looked at us, a large smile lit up her face. It was that smile and the way her blond hair fell over her shoulders in an organized mess that made me think I had seen her before.

The other one looked less familiar but I was sure I had seen that snow colored hair before. As she to notice us, she smiled just as brightly as the other. She was the first to move toward us. She basically ran into Robin’s, looking really eager to hug him. The other girl moved to us as well. Rolling her eyes ever so slightly and smiled at me.

“You mind?” She asked with a big smile. I had no idea what she was talking about but the answer came quickly enough. She hugged me as if I was a long lost friend. “Robin said you’re not one of formalities.” She said to me, without letting me go. When she did, she just put her arm around me and I left myself doing the same for some reason. “That’s good, because neither am I.”

The Dragon Knight; The Awakening of the LegendWhere stories live. Discover now