The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 43)

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As I promised in the last chapter and then confirmed in a message I'm using a different POV for the first 7 or so pages of this chapter. Personally I'm not happy with it because I don't think it adds that much to the story but whatever...

And IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT!!! Just to clarify something in this chapter that I realized could seem a little weird... Through the story I’ve been using ‘dragon’ to replace ‘hell’ in some expression, or ‘damn’ occasionally. If you hadn’t already noticed I’m telling you now so don’t be surprised when Haizea says ‘One dragon of a girl’ because it’s actually ‘One hell of a girl.’ =)

That's it... Enjoy!!


When I opened my eyes the next day I knew instantly something was wrong.

I didn’t move for minutes, listening to the wind rustling with the leaves outside. The usual soft but steady beat of the tree was a little reassuring. Something was off? Something was different than it had been last night. But what?

Slowly I pushed back the covers and put my feet on the floor. Everything felt normal, nothing was wrong with the tree. But than what was? Light flooded in through the window, along with the song of birds. On my way downstairs I paused outside Blanchefleur’s room. Inside everything was silent. She was probably still asleep. But it was too silent for Zjarr to be there with her; she was probably out hunting already.

I made a cup of tea, waiting for my friends to get here. I simply couldn’t shake the feeling away. Something was wrong. By the time Haizea knocked on the door I was silently freaking out. But I tried not to show it as I opened the door and let them in.

Once they were seated, they start the usual conversation about what they were going to do today. And as usual it ended with the same decision; the arena. I hadn’t said a word, barely even listened as I tried to figure out what was wrong. What gave me this feeling?

“Robin, what’s wrong? You look troubled.” I looked up to see them all waiting me. I didn’t even know who had asked me this question. It didn’t matter.

“Nothing. Everything’s fine. Just wondering how long it will take Svadilfari to finish my potion.” I lied. There was no point in worrying them if I didn’t even know what was wrong myself. Of course my answer wasn’t the smartest one I could have given.

“What? Are you sick of us already?” Alwyn asked, a hurt expression on his face but with an amused tone of voice. “Or does her sister have anything to do with it?” He pointed at Haizea, who didn’t even bother saying anything as she hit the back of his head.

“No, that’s not it. It’s more Blanchefleur I’m thinking off. It’s only a matter of time before she starts doing stupid and reckless things.” I admitted truthfully.

There were a few chuckles and comments about Blanchefleur already sneaking around at night, like she had done two nights ago. Eventually I couldn’t help but agree. Although she hadn’t gotten herself in trouble just yet but it couldn’t take much longer. After probably an hour, they were ready to go the arena although Blanchefleur wasn’t up yet. So I told them to go ahead and that we would catch up with them later.

Once the door was closed behind them though I thought about how curious it was that she was still asleep. I headed up the stairs, debating whether or not I should wake her up. In the end I walked passed her door and went to my room first to pull on a tunic I usually wore when I would do some sword fighting.

It wasn’t until I was about to leave again that I noticed the folded up piece of paper on the table. The curly but straight handwriting was easy to recognize. I remembered one day hearing Queen Anne-Lune tell Blanchefleur that her handwriting was elegant but she should try to incline the letters more. There was no doubt that she had never even tried that just to defy her mother. But why would she have left a note?

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