The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 25)

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They were all really surprised by their sisters actions but Earth most of all. He knew Water could so some crazy things when she was frustrated or angry, yet he hadn’t imagined she would do anything putting their chosen one in danger. And yet she did.

He watched, along with Varteni, how the young dragon knight turned paler and paler and eventually pulled back her hands and screamed in pain. Varteni moved her hand over the water and as she did, the elf moved and caught the girl just before she hit the floor. They both knew what would happen next, they knew yet they had never seen it.

The girl glowed a little with a blue light that was undeniably Water. Soon enough the element herself appeared. She was bent over the girl but raised herself to look at the boy lying on the bed. She placed her hands on his chest and started working.

Earth had never understood how his sister could heal anything. Never understood her methods, never tried it himself. But water was the essence of life, without it nothing could live, it was only normal that it could heal.

Slowly, Water’s glowed extended itself over the boy’s body. When it covered him completely, she turned to the knight who had been trying to do the healing. If Water needed help that could only mean to things; or the wound was worse than they thought or she couldn’t get enough power to do it by herself and risked putting the girl in danger if she got more energy from her.

“Let’s hope it is the second option.” Varteni whispered.

Earth just nodded and passed an arm around her. Whatever Water was trying it better work. He could see what she was doing, he could see the different ways for energy she used and sent the boy. It all seemed to take a really long time and Water got smaller slowly but surely. She went from grown woman to a teenage girl and eventually she was a little girl again.

She dusted of her hands and looked the boy over one last time. Seeming satisfied, Water let herself be absorbed by the young knight again. Her return to the Heavens created a rippling on the surface of Varteni’s pond.

“Shall we go see what got into her to do this? Or would you rather check with Tien to see if the boy lives?” Earth asked the Goddess.

“Let’s go see Tien first.” She answered him as they both stood up. As they walked to the Gods War Chamber, Varteni cast Earth the occasional glance. Even after centuries he still wasn’t entirely comfortable around her since he had declared his love for her. She still needed to force the little things onto him. She grabbed his hand as they reached the War Chamber.

She knocked briefly. The door opened on a crack and she pushed it further open. Inside Tien and Chrysi’opos were still sitting around the big table, each one of them on their own side of the table. They both briefly looked up before turning back to the table.

“How are things going?” Varteni asked.

“That Prince Ron is really mad by the fact that he was beaten by a girl, but he’ll live.” Chrysi’opos answered. “But I’m sure that is not what you wanted to hear. It seemed Water pulled it off.”

“Yes, she did. The boy’s lifeline is vibrating with life again. The wound is still visible and not entirely healed but she did very well. The wound could be completely healed in the next few weeks if he just rests.”

“That is great news! Why do I sense the worry coming from you?” Earth questioned concerned.

“I’m afraid of what might happen to any of them. Things are happening without our consent and it worries me. If we are really losing control of the humans, no one can know what will happen. It might be the best thing that ever happened to them, but it can very well turn into a never-ending war.”

The Dragon Knight; The Awakening of the LegendWhere stories live. Discover now