The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 31)

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Before I post the chapter... four quick words just because I want to =) not really but I always put the vocabulary here so... argh, whatever, here are the words...

Vann fugl --> water bird in Norwegian

Jord fugl --> earth bird in Norwegian

Vinden fugl --> wind bird in Norwegian 

So you might have guessed that fugl means bird xD

And the last word is Varteni which is an Armenian name meaning rose tree. I already put this one at the end of Chapter 3 but I don't know if you remembered....

Anyway, enjoy the chapter....


The next morning seemed to be one big mess. Of course I had expected that the Queen wanted to see my but not before noon. Well maybe it was noon, who knew, I couldn’t exactly see the sun through the branches.

Zjarr had come back during the night and didn’t seem all too happy when I had woken up. I seriously needed to ask her what was bugging her because it was clearly influencing my mood as well. Before I could though, Robin had called from down stairs and tossed me something before I was even halfway down the stairs.

It was a letter, well an invitation more exactly. From the Queen. To join her for breakfast. I groaned just a little bit and Robin raised an eyebrow at me. “Breakfast with the Queen, joy.” I said with a huge fake smile on my face. “No offence to your Queen or anything.” I added quickly just in case I had offended him.

Lucky I had been prepared in some way and had brought a dark blue dress. Etiquettes and dress codes weren’t my strong points but I did know that you wore your kingdom’s colors to a royal meeting, dinner or anything along those lines. But I had no idea what the etiquettes were when it came to the elfish culture.

“Believe me; if the Queen sees you know the etiquettes of Tanah Bulan she will be pleased.” Robin tried to cheer me up a bit as we walked to the big tree, or château.

“Why is that?” I asked genuinely surprised and interested.

“Your reputation is well known beyond your own borders.” He smiled at me but I was still confused. “She has been informed by several people over the years that you don’t do well with rules and act upon your own likes. Since her own two daughters are the same she can’t blame you.”

“And can I ask who told her this?” I asked a bit suspicious.

“Your father, my father and I have given her my thoughts on the matter as well.” Robin looked amused but I certainly wasn’t. I was horrified. Maybe I should be glad I could stick to the etiquettes of my own court but I really wasn’t. I had no idea what they were. Okay, I think I could remember what I had done that day we got to Mataharie. Yes I think I should be able to do that.

Instead of letting my thoughts dwell on it I went on questioning Robin. “And what are your thoughts on the matter?”

“Exactly like you say it; they are my thoughts.” I glared at him but didn’t add anything knowing there would be no other answer coming from him. Instead I walked next to him in silent. What would Queen Lagina be like? I tried to think about it but every time I would hit a wall; I couldn’t even imagined what she was like, I knew nothing about her.

I followed Robin blindly to the château and through the halls; I got lost after the first two turns because everything looked exactly alike. Seriously, with all the wood and leaves everything was identical. But it was all so beautiful. The green of the leaves and the little buzzing birds flying in and out made everything look alive. But it wasn’t until we reached the double doors of the audience room when I was absolutely stunned.

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