The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 22)

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So three quick words of vocabulary!!

Luft, Jurd --> Norwegian for Air, Earth, in that order. The elfish language (further away in the story) will be based on the norwegian language

Verterno --> Self invented word coming from Verteni, who is the Goddess of the elves, remember =)


It was colder than usual for this time of the year. But the morning wasn’t cold, just colder than usual, there was a different. The sky was covered with clouds and the sun didn’t seem to make an effort to get through. A gentle breeze blew over the fields separating us from Delstaten Solen. I wished I could be in my bed right now or high between the clouds on Zjarr’s back. But no. Not today.

I was sitting on Bruin’s back instead. Bruin was position next to Forest and behind the knights. It was important that we were not an open target if one of the Solien archers. Robin and Zjarr were helping me to knit a cover over the holes. A cover of only one element, the only element that could help us, the only one that could tell us who the soldiers really were. Mind.

It was a lot more complicated than I had thought it would be. I had placed all the shovels at the end of the tunnel, where we had stopped last night with the digging. Zjarr had promised to make sure there was food and water, basically water, at the end as well, I mean we had done all that work to save lives not to just let them die under the ground.

Knitting the cover of Mind was hard work and I needed to be fully concentrated but that was tricky because my eyes kept going to the army across the river. They had been up before dawn but were slow with their preparation so in the end they no longer had the element of surprise. We would though. Imagine half your army disappearing under the ground for no reason.

For the battle strategy I had had nothing to say about it even if I didn’t agree at all. The knights wanted just go straight into battle. No idea to keep everybody safe, no plan that is most likely to guarantee us victory. If I didn’t have faith in them I would say we were dead. But I did have faith and the way they divided everybody in groups to attack different sides was good thinking; if only it could work, which it couldn’t.

“They do know that Prince Ron has his Mages scan the area everyone in a while, don’t they?” I asked Robin for the hundredth time. And once again, Robin pulled a face and shrugged. I guess not, once again.

“You can knit a protection around them as well you know.” Zjarr said.

“Would that drain my energy even more?” I asked her before I would rush into anything. The Mind cover over the field was necessary because otherwise all our digging would have been for nothing but I could feel it drain my energy away. And it wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

“Once you cut the last imaginary string attaching the cover of Mind to you it won’t drain anymore.” Zjarr said as she heard my thoughts. “But Crystal doesn’t work that way. If you cut it off, the cover will fall. But you only need to keep it up until the groups have arrived where they have to.” She was silent from there on and I thought it was just to give me time to think about it; the looks Robin’s face took on told me different. She was having a private conversation with him. “Okay, maybe it’s not such a good idea after all.”

I shot Robin a questioning glance but he avoided my gaze and pretended to be concentrating extra hard. I just let it drop because this was not the time to have my thoughts trailing off. Once we were finished with the Mind cover over the holes and Robin made sure they would stay invisible, we took our places next to the knights. I had no idea of what was to come next, what to expect or what to do. But nothing happened. Nothing at all happened for a really long time.

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