The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 18)

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For two days I hadn’t gone back to the castle even though it had been planned. But I was still furious at my father so there was no way I was going back. Instead, Zjarr and I kept flying from one army to another; Robin stayed on the ground. It would be a miracle if the army of Tanah Bulan made it to the border at the same time as Delstaten Solen.

Both armies were approaching the border quickly and every evening as Zjarr flew back to camp the distant was smaller. We didn’t interfere with the enemy’s army since my encounter with Prince Ron; I still can’t believe he didn’t recognize me. Not that I am complaining.

I didn’t know what was going to happen if we showed ourselves again but surely it wouldn’t be good. Zjarr and I had been debating whether or not to try to convince Prince Ron to go back home but him being really stubborn; there was no chance in achieving that.

The waiting was the worst part of it all. Today Delstaten Solen’s army would reach the border and none of us knew or even dared guessing at what might happen. Would they just stop there or would they just cross and invade our kingdom. No one knew.

And then there was me.

I was supposed to create a barrier on the Tanah Bulian side of the river. Like, how am I even supposed to do that?! But that was what the captains or generals, or whatever their rank was, wanted, whether I liked it or not.

Zjarr landed on the river bank and I jumped to the ground. I walked over to the river hoping to find the answer in the water or something but there was nothing to help me. Standing there, facing the river with my hands on my hips, I felt as though it was hopeless.

And then another thought invaded my mind. Looking at the river I walked closer to it. The current might not be strong but the river was deep and wide. Once the fights would start, how were the soldiers supposed to cross it? With armor and everything I wouldn’t be surprised if they sank to the bottom.

“They can stand, you know.” Zjarr objected. “But you have a point.”

I stood there for another minute, looking from the east to the west. I sighed. It was hopeless, there was no way I could create a barrier to keep the army from crossing into my kingdom; well my father’s but it would be mine one day. I turned around and just as I was about to tell Zjarr that we would fly back my eyes fell on the hill not too far from the river.

I walked over there and climbed to the top. From here I could see far further than on the riverbank. That gave me an idea.

“Zjarr, why would I create a barrier if I don’t know how? And even if I knew there were no guarantees that it would actually hold. Just come behind the hill and we’ll watch it ourselves.” I declared.

It seemed like the most reasonable thing to do. If the army was actually going to cross it I wouldn’t have to fight to keep them on the other side. With Zjarr right here there was no way they would actually cross over.

Now we waited for both armies to arrive. To keep myself busy I played with the air, changing the currents with a simple spell and making the leaves that had fallen on the ground make an air ballet. The sun went down quickly as the hours passed and just as I thought none of the armies would make it here before sunset I heard horses.

In my hurry to go check it out I almost fell down the hill while running upward. On top, I was about to show myself when Zjarr’s tail swept me of my feet and I fall flat on my face. “Stay low. You never know who it is.” She said and I knew she was right. Crawling, I went up the hill and luckily I did. In front of me, on the other side of the river, the army of Delstaten Solen stretched out as far as I could see.

The colors off the kingdom were everywhere. The gold and red made it look as though the sun had touched the earth on the other side of the water. The knights had left their horses on the river bank so that they could drink. The knights themselves seemed to have gathered just in front of the water and were talking to each other and looking at the water. I wished I could hear what they were saying but they were too far away and the wind was blowing their words to the sea.

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