The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 14)

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As I walked through the castle, everywhere I looked people were busy preparing for the war. They were all busy getting the horses ready, the food, the weapons and armors. Some even walked around with tents. The people I came across of seemed sad. War always meant a lot of death; they were afraid not to see us return, not to see me return.

The news that I would participate as well had shocked everybody but no one tried to convince me to stay apart from my parents and Vadmin. Robin thought this was the perfect opportunity to test my skills and he tried to convince everyone that Zjarr wouldn’t let anything happen to me.

Every day, I would spend the morning with Vadmin working on magic spells, in the afternoon I would train with Robin using my dragon sword and in the evening I would do little this with the elements under Zjarr all seeing eyes.

The princes were still in the castle and often assist to my training hours in the arena. Once in a while they would correct me or after the lesson I would have a talk with them but it was not really what my parents had hoped for. They had hoped of course that I would fall in love with one of them, I that I would get married within the coming year. My sister had fallen in love with the prince of Teixeira and was now happily married to him for a year or so.

“What did you expect when you came here?” I asked Kevin, who walked with me.

“I don’t know. Not this, though.” He said looking at me. “Every prince and every princess knows that the balls are only giving because the parents hope we fall in love so that it won’t be a forced marriage.”

“It a lost cause, if you want my opinion.” I sighed. “Have you ever been in love?”

“Yes. And I still am.” He said after a while. “But my parents would never approve.”

“She isn’t part of a royal family?” Kevin shook his head. “Nor part of rich and highly ranked family?”

“No, she part of a simple farmer’s family.” He confessed. “For about two years, I pretend to go to the city when I really go see her. Just as you do with the baker’s son.”

“Who? Daniel? No he’s my friend.” Kevin seemed to have a hard time believing that but it was true. “Why don’t you introduce that girl you like to your parents and just see what happens? I mean I’m sure they won’t freak out about it. Mine have had to live with a princess who does whatever she pleases and who spends rather time in the city with the normal people than with royalties.”

He was silent for a moment as we walked on. We were looking for Maëva, who was hiding somewhere in the castle; Kevin had left her for just a moment and the next she was gone. She couldn’t be far though so we weren’t too worried. I was glad I could talk to him normally, just as I did to Robin and Daniel.

“You’re right. I should introduce her.” He finally said.

“I usually am right.” I confirmed with a big smile. We both knew that was a lie. “What’s her name?”

“Rosalinde.” Kevin simply answered. “What about you? Have you ever been in love?”

“No. I’ve been too busy to fall in love.” I said looking straight forward.

“You’ll see, when your older it will happen, no matter how busy you are.” Kevin said.

Saying it like that, he suddenly seemed really old; he was only nineteen. We turned around the corner and there were Sir Wooden and Maëva. The little princess wanted to know where the kitchens were because she was thirsty but Sir Wooden wouldn’t tell her; saying she needed to go back to her brother.

When Sir Wooden looked up he saw us and turned the princess towards us. Oh dragon, this was going to be fun; I could see it in his eyes.

“Princess, you should watch your guest better.” He said.

The Dragon Knight; The Awakening of the LegendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant