The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 15)

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  • Dedicated to Coraline Teixeira-lopes

Two quick vocabulary words!! =) Won't take long...

Vidiecky --> It's Slovak for rustic... which says pretty much everything you need to know about it. 

And Teixeira --> I was lazy plus I liked it so I took a friend's last name =)  (Which is basically why I dedicated it to her!!)

Enjoy!! xD


The royal guests left two days after my father’s announcement of the war. Of course they had no idea what was going on in our kingdom and the King insisted on keeping it that way for a little longer. I spent my days with Vadmin because I still had a lot a basic magic to learn; I never knew there were so many spells.

“Earth will rise as I wish, make the ground tremble, rise high into the sky.” I said.

I kept my eyes closed and waited, and waited. Nothing came. I opened my eyes and looked around. Nothing. Why hadn’t it worked? I mean, I was concentrated and I said the spell right. This was one of the reason I preferred asking the elements directly; it never went wrong when I did that.

“Try again.” Vadmin said from a corner of the room.

I sighed. “Earth will rise as I wish, make the ground tremble, rise high into the sky.” Again I waited and again there was nothing. I opened my eyes and turned to the Mage. “Can’t I try the spell for air? Air is easier for me.”

“Not until you can get earth to do what you want.” The Mage said. “Again.”

I spent the entire morning and afternoon trying to make earth rise. The sun was already going down behind the trees when somebody knocked on the door. With a movement of his hand, Vadmin opened the door and revealed Robin standing there.

“Good afternoon.” He said politely. “His majesty the King has asked for his daughter.”

Vadmin muttered something but he was too far for me to hear. Maybe Robin had heard. “Very well. Work on that spell, Princess. We will continue tomorrow.” And he disappeared.

Robin was already walking back to the castle so I had to run to catch up with him. I walked next to him in silence. I hadn’t seen him a lot since I spent most of my time in Vadmin’s tower. Zjarr was somewhere in the sky flying; she often did that the entire day. Or she would dive into the sea and I could feel the cold water.

We walked in silence to the throne room. The guards opened the door and let us in. Like always my father was sitting on his throne and his advisors were around him. We walked over to them and bowed in front of my father. He had accepted the fact that I would go to war but that did not mean he liked it.

I stood straight even though I really wanted to sit down. I was tired but if I let my father know he would never let me go. I looked at the King and he looked at me. We both seemed to be waiting for the other to speak but I had no intention to do so.

After a moment, my father spook. “Daughter.” That was all he said; it was followed by a moment of silence. He spoke again. “We had discussed the role that you will be playing. We decided to send you as a scout.”

Everybody in the room seemed to wait for my reaction. Nothing came, nothing happened. Well that wasn’t exactly true; there was a reaction inside of me. But I was not going to show it, not now. Since I stayed silence my father signed for one of his advisors to approach. The man gave something to my father and went back to his spot.

The King signed for me to approach and unfolded the map. The map showed all the countries and the desert. I studied it for a while but it was just like any other map there was. My father pointed at the map. “You’ll fly to here with Zjarr and no further. Just look for the army and come back to report.” He traced with his finger the line that the river formed. The river was the border between Delstaten Solen and Tanah Bulan.

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