The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 2)

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I felt like adding the next chapter since there were 53 reads on the first. But no vote, does that mean you didn't like it or that  you just didn't felt like voting. Next chapter will take a little longer because I have to write a screenplay for my cinema class or film class or how ever you call it.

Again there are names that might seem a little strange. Well it's because they’re not English; I didn't want to think of my own made-up names so I took a word in English and translated it.

 Mataharie means Sun in Malayan

Bruin means Brown in Dutch

Tanah Bulan means Land of the Moon in Malayan


I was about to enter the castle, using the kitchen entrance again, when someone came out of the shadows. I was going to scream when he spoke.

“Don’t scream, you’ll wake up the entire castle.” Robin said. Oh dragon, I was going to kill him if he didn’t stop sneaking up on me!

I shot him an angry glare, which he probably couldn’t see in the dark, before forcing my way past him into the castle.

“No need to be angry. How was Zjarr?” He asked.

At first I was surprised because he really couldn’t have seen my angry expression, but at the same time I hadn’t been very gentle when I passed him.

“Zjarr is fine.” I said not very happy. I couldn’t help it; once I was angry you really needed to surprise me to start over with a happy mood.

“But…” Robin insisted.

“She wants me to tell my father as soon as possible about her.” I sighed. Robin looked at me at little confused. “Because I need to learn how to fight and it will be odd that I suddenly want to learn to fight.” I paused, thinking for a second and went on. “I know she is right but it doesn’t feel quite right. You saw how he reacted when I asked him about the legends.”

“Yes, I know how you feel. But what are you going to do if you’re not going to tell?”

I stopped and looked at him, wondering how he could know how I felt. What could he have to hide? And from who? I was so absorbed by my thought I completely forgot to answer his question.

“Couldn’t you teach me?” I was as chocked as he was by me reply. Then again why not?

Not waiting for his answer, I walked away. Before entering the main hall I paused, checking for guards before quickly hurrying up the stairs.

Robin followed my, silent as the night. At every corner I paused and checked for guards again. Twice we had to hide behind a curtain or armor. But finally we arrived in the corridor that led to my room.

I entered first, letting Robin enter to before closing the door. He dropped on one of the couch as if he was in his own room and not the Princess’ room.

“Why would you want me to teach you how to use a sword?” Robin asked while I changed into my nightgown.

“Because I’ve seen you using a sword. I’ve seen you fighting in the arena before. And even though I don’t know much about it I think you are pretty good, aren’t you?”

“Thank you for the compliment. May I ask; when did you watch?”

“I had to keep myself occupied for many long hours when I was little.”

“When you were little?”

“Now I just sneak out the castle and go to Fullmåne for a few hours.” I explained with a big smile, which he returned. “So will you help me?”

The Dragon Knight; The Awakening of the LegendWhere stories live. Discover now