The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 34)

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Ever since Robin found the potions book in the library he had spent a lot of time in the Mage’s tree. He had offered me to come along a few times but there was no way I was going up that tree again. Instead he had asked Haizea to watch me while he was busy. Haizea had accepted but had taken the opportunity to tease Robin about it, or at least I thought that that was it because it had been in Elfish. But now with her watching me I got the feeling I was being babysat and I was also pretty sure she told everything that happened to Robin.

I hadn’t had the time yet to read the book because at night I was just too tired. All day long I had sword training and it was definitely not for me. It was hard to take them all by surprise all day, coming up with new tricks; I must have invented a whole new danced by weaving myself passed the swords tips. The worst part was that I never got enough time to rest.

Stupid elves hardly get tired.

It was a week later when Robin told me he was leaving Álfar for a few days.

“So why are you leaving again?” I asked not sure I understood.

“There is this moonflower that we need for the potion. Svadilfari says that it has to be picked under a full moon, which is in a few days but we still need to go to the edge of the Forest, near the Desert. Apparently the hardest part is to find the flower at the top of the tree.” For a second robin looked like he didn’t even want to go himself.

“Okay and what about me? I’m guessing I’m staying here.”

“Yes you are.” Robin smiled; glad I had figured out that part on my own.

“Is Haizea moving in here then?” It seemed unlikely he was leaving me alone.

“No, Haizea won’t be able to keep an eye on you anymore; she and her sister have to help the Queen with preparations for the Festival of Lights. So you can either help them with that, well more like look at what they are doing, or I can ask one of my friends to keep an eye on you during the day.”

Right there I saw an opportunity to finally read the history book I had been hiding under my pillow. If I could convince Robin to just let me shadow Haizea I wouldn’t be so tired at night and I could finally read a little. And besides, it might just be interesting to see what needed to be done for a festival to take place.

“I’ll stick with Haizea if neither of them minds having me around.”

“I don’t think they would mind. But do you really want to follow Haizea around all that time? And don’t think I haven’t noticed how tired you got of having her so close all the time.”

He picked up on that? How did he do that? He wasn’t even around half of the time. Now I was convinced that he used more magic than he let on. There was no way he could know I was getting a bit annoyed with Haizea watching my every move.

“Or maybe she just told him?” Zjarr offered.

I knew very well that that was probably the right answer but I didn’t want to take it yet. It was too simple so I went, “No that can’t be it.”

“You can also simply ask him to just stay in the tree. I’ll keep an eye on you. And you will finally be able to read that book.”

That was a good idea, which made me wonder why I hadn’t thought of it. “Uh, or I could just stay here and Zjarr could keep an eye on me.” I mumbled as I first looked at the ground and slowly up to Robin. He didn’t like the idea I was sure of it. Probably because there was this thing going on between him and Zjarr.

“I’m not sure that is such a good idea.” He said hesitantly after a few seconds of thinking. And there you have it. I just look away to show my disappointment and silently think about a way to convince him. Zjarr would keep me totally safe and we both know it but how did I convince him to simply let me stay here with her.

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